SQLTuple version:
A C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U W _


Accessor - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql
Accessor provides access to RDBMS.
Accessor(Map) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Creates using informations from Map.
Accessor(String) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Create using informations from properties String.
accessor(Map) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AidaSQLStore
Get Accessor: If there is one already associated one, use it.
accessor() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get attached Accessor.
accessor() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Give associated Accessor.
add(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Implementation
Add an implementation not available from default.
addColumn(String, Class, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
SQLTuple extension: add column into SQL table.
addIndex(String[]) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
SQLTuple extension: add indexes into SQL table.
addRow() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Add the current row into NTuple and reset.
AidaSQLStore - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql
AidaSQLStore implements IStore with support for SQLTuples.
AidaSQLStore() - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.AidaSQLStore
AidaSQLStoreFactory - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql
AidaSQLStoreFacory implements IStoreFactory with support for supports SQLTuple.
AidaSQLStoreFactory() - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.AidaSQLStoreFactory
AIDAURL - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql
AIDAURL manages information about SQL URL.
AIDAURL(String, String) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
Create from String url.
AIDAURL(String) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
Create from String url.
ANSIColorAppender - Class in com.reuters.pds.common.sdk.util
ANSIColorAppender is a Log4J Appender that output trace messages using ANSI colors.
ANSIColorAppender() - Constructor for class com.reuters.pds.common.sdk.util.ANSIColorAppender
app() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTuplePlugin
Give associated Studio.
append(LoggingEvent) - Method in class com.reuters.pds.common.sdk.util.ANSIColorAppender
Method from Log4j AppenderSkeleton that gets call for any Log4J events.
append(LoggingEvent) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.JAS3Log4JAppender
Append message to output Console.


Chain - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql.Test
Chain reads two NTuple tables as one NTuple.
Chain() - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.Test.Chain
close() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Close connection.
close() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AidaSQLStore
Disconnect from DB (if not running as JAS3 plugin).
close() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleCursor
Close this cursor.
closeWriter() - Method in class com.reuters.pds.common.sdk.util.ANSIColorAppender
This method overrides the parent WriterAppender.closeWriter() implementation to do nothing because the console stream is not ours to close.
closeWriter() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.JAS3Log4JAppender
Override the parent WriterAppender.closeWriter() implementation to dispose Console..
cloud(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Project ITuple into ICloud.
colorizeToANSI(Object, Level, ThrowableInformation) - Method in class com.reuters.pds.common.sdk.util.ANSIColorAppender
Colorizes the specified message for the specified log4j level.
column(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get column.
columnByName(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get column.
columnDefault(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
SQLTuple extension: Get the default value of the column number param.
columnDefaults() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
SQLTuple extension: Get all column default values.
columnDefaultString(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Give the default as a String.
columnMax(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Use SQL max function.
columnMean(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Use SQL avg function.
columnMin(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Use SQL min function.
columnName(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Gets the name of the column number param.
columnNames() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get all column names.
columnNumber(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Gets the number of the column name name.
columnRms(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Use SQL std function.
columns() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Gets the number of columns.
columnType(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get the type of the column number param.
columnTypes() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get all column types.
columnValue(int, Value) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get Value of column at FTupleCursor.
columnValue(int, FTupleCursor, Value) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get Value of column at FTupleCursor.
com.reuters.pds.common.sdk.util - package com.reuters.pds.common.sdk.util
Utilities for AIDA ITuple with SQL backend.
commit() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
commit(IDevTree, Map) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AidaSQLStore
Commit all tables of the Tree.
connection() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Gives Connection, creates one if it doesn't exist yet.
create(String, String, String[], Class[], String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Create SQLTuple.
create(String, String, String[], Class[]) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Just call the the master creation method.
create(String, String, String, String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Split columns string into columnName and columnType arrays and call master creation method.
create(String, String, String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Just call the master creation method.
createEvaluator(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Create an evaluator from a expression.
createFilter(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Create a filter from a expression.
createFilter(String, int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Create a filter from a expression and a number of rows to be processed.
createFilter(String, int, int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Create a filter from a expression and, number of rows to be processed and thye starting row.
createFiltered(String, ITuple, IFilter, String[]) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Filter SQLTuple.
createFiltered(String, ITuple, IFilter) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Just extract columnNames and calls the master filtering method.
createStore() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AidaSQLStoreFactory
Create new IStore.
createTupleFactory(ITree) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLAnalysisFactory
Creates SQLTupleFactory if ITree store type is sql.
creationCommand() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Give the database creation command, if needed.
creationCommand(String) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Implementation
Give associated database creation command, if exists.
cursor() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get FTupleCursor.


db() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Give connected database name.
db() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
Give the database URL or filename.
defaultValue(Value) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleColumn
Give the default value stored in the column.
delete(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Delete NTuple (table) from DB if it exists.
description() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AidaSQLStoreFactory
The textual description of this IStoreFactory: sql.
doubleClick(FTreeNode) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleColumnAdapter
Activate Projector command on double click.
driver() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Give used driver.
driver(String) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Implementation
Give associated JDBC driver.


enableHelpSQLTuple(CommandState) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Enable Help.
enableProjector(CommandState) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Enable EventSelector.
enableSaveCache(CommandState) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Enable Save Cache.
equals(Object) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Check, if both Accessors use the same driver, database, schema (if set), user and src
equals(Object) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Pair


fill(int, Value) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill Value in a column.
fill(String, int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill int value in a column.
fill(int, int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill int value in a column.
fill(String, short) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill short value in a column.
fill(int, short) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill short value in a column.
fill(String, long) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill long value in a column.
fill(int, long) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill long value in a column.
fill(String, double) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill double value in a column.
fill(int, double) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill double value in a column.
fill(String, float) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill float value in a column.
fill(int, float) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill float value in a column.
fill(String, boolean) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill boolean value in a column.
fill(int, boolean) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill boolean value in a column.
fill(String, byte) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill byte value in a column.
fill(int, byte) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill byte value in a column.
fill(String, char) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill char value in a column.
fill(int, char) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill char value in a column.
fill(String, String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill String value in a column.
fill(int, String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill String value in a column.
fill(String, Object) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill Object value in a column.
fill(int, Object) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill Object value in a column.
fill(float[]) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill float values into current row.
fill(double[]) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Fill double values into current row.
findColumn(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Find column number from the column name.
findTuple(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Give nested ITuple.
first - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Pair
forwardOnly() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Tell if ResultSet should be FOWARD_ONLY.
fromSql(int, String) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Type
Give Java Class corresponding to native SQL Types value.
fromString(String) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Type
Give Class corresponding to native SQL string value.


getAccessor(Map) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Get Accesor corresponding to optionsMap if it already exists.
getAccessor(String) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Get Accesor corresponding to optionsString if it already exists.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get boolean value of a column.
getBoolean(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get boolean value of a column.
getByte(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get byte value of a column.
getByte(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get byte value of a column.
getChar(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get char value of a column.
getChar(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get char value of a column.
getColumn(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
SQLTuple extension: get the whole column as an array of Strings.
getColumn(String, Class<T>) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
SQLTuple extension: get the whole column as an array of Objects of the specified Class (which has to have a String constructor).
getColumn(String, IFilter) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
SQLTuple extension: get the filtered column as an array of Strings.
getColumn(String, Class<T>, IFilter) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
SQLTuple extension: get the filtered column as an array of Objects of the specified Class (it has to have a String constructor).
getDouble(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get double value of a column.
getDouble(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get double value of a column.
getDouble(ResultSet, int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get double value from the ResultSet.
getFloat(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get float value of a column.
getFloat(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get float value of a column.
getInt(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get int value of a column.
getInt(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get int value of a column.
getLong(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get long value of a column.
getLong(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get long value of a column.
getName() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTuplePlugin
Give plugin name.
getObject(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get Object value of a column.
getObject(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get Object value of a column.
getRow() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get the number of the current row.
getRowData() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
SQLTuple extension: return current Row Data.
getShort(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get short value of a column.
getShort(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get short value of a column.
getString(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get String value of a column.
getString(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get String value of a column.
getTuple(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get ITuple value of a column.
getWizardPage() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTuplePlugin
Give Wizard page.
groupValue(String, int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Apply an operator to a column.
groupValue(String, String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Apply an operator to a column.


hasDefaultValue() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleColumn
Check if the columns have default values.
hashCode() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Pair
hep.aida.ref.sql - package hep.aida.ref.sql
AIDA ITuple with SQL backend.
hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin - package hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin
JAS3 Plugin of AIDA ITuple with SQL backend.
hep.aida.ref.sql.Test - package hep.aida.ref.sql.Test
Test of AIDA ITuple with SQL backend.
histogram(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Project ITuple into IHistogram.


Implementation - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql
Type manages information about SQL database implementations.
Implementation() - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.Implementation
init(Object, Studio) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.JAS3Log4JAppender
Configure and connect to JAS3.
init() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTuplePlugin
Init plugin.
initComponents() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleWizardPage
Create panel.
initSQLTuple(String, String, String[], Class[], String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Initialise internal variables.
isInMemory() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
SQLTuple is never in memory => false.
isReadOnly() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AidaSQLStore
SQLStore is not read-only => false.
isWinhinJAS() - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor


JAS3Log4JAppender - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin
JAS3Log4JAppender redirects Log4J messages to JAS3 Console.
JAS3Log4JAppender() - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.JAS3Log4JAppender


load() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Type
Load customisation mapping rules from Properties file.
LoadedProperties - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql
LoadedProperties is Properties capable of being loaded from a Resource.
LoadedProperties(String, String) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.LoadedProperties
Load from name in current/top package or (if it doesn't exists) in place package.
LoadedProperties(String) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.LoadedProperties
Load from fullname Resource.
log - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Logging .
log - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AidaSQLStore
Logging .
log - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
Logging .
log - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Implementation
Logging .
log - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.LoadedProperties
Logging .
log - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLAnalysisFactory
Logging .
log - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLFilter
Logging .
log - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Logging .
log - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleColumn
Logging .
log - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleCursor
Logging .
log - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Logging .
log - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.StmtSrc
Logging .
log - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Test.Chain
Logging .
log - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Test.Read
Logging .
log - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Test.Write
Logging .
log - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Type
Logging .
log - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Util
Logging .


main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Test.Chain
Initiate processing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Test.Read
Initiate processing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Test.Write
Initiate processing.
maximum() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleColumn
Give the maximum value stored in the column.
maxValue(Value) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleColumn
Give the maximum value stored in the column.
mean() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleColumn
Give the mean value stored in the column.
meanValue(Value) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleColumn
Give the mean value stored in the column.
minimum() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleColumn
Give the minimum value stored in the column.
minValue(Value) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleColumn
Give the minimum value stored in the column.
modifyPopupMenu(FTreeNode[], JPopupMenu) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleColumnAdapter
Add Projector action into popup menu.


name() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
Give the name.
name() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleColumn
Give the name of che column.
nameInPath(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
next() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Go into the next row.
next() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleCursor
Step to the next row.


onFinish() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleWizardPage
Connect to the SQL database when "Finish" is requested.
onHelpSQLTuple() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Act on Help click.
onProjectCloudInCurrentRegion() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Project ICloud in Current Region.
onProjectCloudInNewPage() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Project ICloud in New Page.
onProjectCloudInNewRegion() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Project ICloud in New Region.
onProjectCloudOverlay() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Project ICloud Overlay.
onProjectHistogramInCurrentRegion() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Project IHistogram in Current Region.
onProjectHistogramInNewPage() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Project IHistogram in New Page.
onProjectHistogramInNewRegion() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Project IHistogram in New Region.
onProjectHistogramOverlay() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Project IHistogram Overlay.
onProjectProfileInCurrentRegion() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Project IProfile in Current Region.
onProjectProfileInNewPage() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Project IProfile in New Page.
onProjectProfileInNewRegion() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Project IProfile in New Region.
onProjectProfileOverlay() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Project IProfile Overlay.
onSaveCache() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Act on Save Cache click.


Pair<A,B> - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql
Pair is a pair of objects.
Pair(A, B) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.Pair
Create a pair of Objects of types A and B.
parentPath(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
parseDBName() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
Analyse url to find information about database.
parseName(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
Divide url into database and table part.
parseStmtString(String, String[]) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.StmtSrc
Parse statementString.
passwd() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Give connected user' password.
plot(IBaseHistogram, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Plot IBaseHistogram according to selected options.
prepare() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Prepare statement for adding row.
prepare(String, String[]) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.StmtSrc
Prepare update statement defined by the statementString.
prepareStatementString(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.StmtSrc
Create Statement String.
process(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Test.Chain
Perform processing.
process(String, String, String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Test.Read
Perform processing.
process(String, int, String, String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Test.Write
Perform processing.
profile(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Project ITuple into IProfile.
project(ICloud1D, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(ICloud1D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(ICloud1D, IEvaluator, IFilter) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(ICloud1D, IEvaluator, IFilter, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(ICloud2D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(ICloud2D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(ICloud2D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IFilter) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(ICloud2D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IFilter, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(ICloud3D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(ICloud3D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(ICloud3D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IFilter) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(ICloud3D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IFilter, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IHistogram1D, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IHistogram1D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IHistogram1D, IEvaluator, IFilter) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IHistogram1D, IEvaluator, IFilter, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IHistogram2D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IHistogram2D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IHistogram2D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IFilter) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IHistogram2D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IFilter, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IHistogram3D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IHistogram3D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IHistogram3D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IFilter) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IHistogram3D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IFilter, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IProfile1D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IProfile1D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IProfile1D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IFilter) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IProfile1D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IFilter, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IProfile2D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IProfile2D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IProfile2D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IFilter) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
project(IProfile2D, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IEvaluator, IFilter, IEvaluator) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
protocol() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Give used protocol.
protocol() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
Give the protocol name..


query(String, String[]) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Perform query operation via StmtSrc.
query(String, String[]) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.StmtSrc
Perform query operation defined by the statementString.


read(IDevTree, Map, boolean, boolean) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AidaSQLStore
Get all tables from the database described by the Properties entry in the optionsMap.
Read - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql.Test
Read reads one NTuple table.
Read() - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.Test.Read
readCache() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Read (meta)data description from cache: It tries first local file cache (default is .SQLTuple.descriptions Then it reads resource hep/aida/ref/sql/SQLTuple.descriptions
report(String, Throwable) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Util
Report about standard SQL Exception.
requiresLayout() - Method in class com.reuters.pds.common.sdk.util.ANSIColorAppender
Requires a layout
requiresLayout() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.JAS3Log4JAppender
Requires a layout.
reset() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Reset the NTuple/table, close it.
resetRow() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Reset the current row.
rms() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleColumn
Give the rms value stored in the column.
rmsValue(Value) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleColumn
Give the rms value stored in the column.
rollback() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Roll back.
row() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get the number of the current row.
row() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleCursor
Give the current row number
RowRepresentant - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql.Test
RowRepresentant is used to test SQLTuple.getColumn(String, Class) methods.
RowRepresentant(String) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.Test.RowRepresentant
One argument String constructor, reqired by SQLTuple.getColumn(String, Class) methods.
rows() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Get the number of rows.


saveCache() - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Save current (meta)data descriptions into file cache (default is .SQLTuple.descriptions).
schema() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Give connected database schema.
second - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Pair
separatorChar - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
setCache(String) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Set (meta)data descriptions cache file anme.
setConsole() - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.JAS3Log4JAppender
Create Console if it doesn't exist.
setLayout(Layout) - Method in class com.reuters.pds.common.sdk.util.ANSIColorAppender
setLayout(Layout) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.JAS3Log4JAppender
Set Layout.
setOptions(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Register options.
setOptions(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Register options.
setRow(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Go to the row with specified number.
setRow(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleCursor
Step to a specific row.
setSrc(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Set connected StmtSrc.properties.
setStmtSrc(String) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleWizardPage
Set customised StmtSrc properties.
setStmtSrc(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Attached StmtSrc.
setWithinJAS() - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
skip(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Skip rows.
skip(int) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleCursor
Skips rows.
skipCompatibilityTest() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Do not test for compatibility if existing table is reused.
SQLAnalysisFactory - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql
SQLAnalysisFactory supports AidaSQLStoreFactory (with a key sql) and SQLTupleFactory.
SQLAnalysisFactory() - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLAnalysisFactory
SQLEvaluator - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql
SQLEvaluator extends Evaluator with SQL backend.
SQLEvaluator(String) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLEvaluator
Create an evaluator from an expression.
SQLFilter - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql
SQLFilter extends Filter with SQL backend.
SQLFilter(String) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLFilter
Create a filter from a expression.
SQLFilter(String, int) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLFilter
Create a filter from a expression and a number of rows to be processed.
SQLFilter(String, int, int) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLFilter
Create a filter from a expression and, number of rows to be processed and thye starting row.
sqlName(Class) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Give native SQL type name corresponding to Java Class.
SQLTuple - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql
SQLTuple is an extension of ITuple for SQL database.
SQLTuple(String, String, String[], Class[], String) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Just call superclass constructor.
SQLTuple(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Just calls superclass constructor.
SQLTupleColumn - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql
SQLTupleColumn extends FTupleColumn with SQL backend.
SQLTupleColumn(SQLTuple, int) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleColumn
Create with reference to SQLTuple.
SQLTupleColumnAdapter - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin
SQLTupleColumnAdapter handles SQLTuple columns.
SQLTupleColumnAdapter(Studio, SQLTupleCommands) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleColumnAdapter
Create and attach Studio with hight pripority = 300.
SQLTupleCommands - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin
SQLTupleCommands contains SQLTuple commands for JAS3 plugin of SQLTuple.
SQLTupleCommands(SQLTuplePlugin) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
Initialise and connect to JAS3.
SQLTupleCursor - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql
SQLTupleCursor extends FTupleCursor with SQL backend.
SQLTupleCursor(SQLTuple) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleCursor
Create with reference to SQLTuple.
SQLTupleException - Exception in hep.aida.ref.sql
SQLTupleException is a nested Exception.
SQLTupleException() - Constructor for exception hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleException
SQLTupleException(String) - Constructor for exception hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleException
SQLTupleException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleException
SQLTupleException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleException
SQLTupleFactory - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql
SQLTupleFactory creates SQLTuples.
SQLTupleFactory(ITree) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Call superconstructor and register ITree.
SQLTuplePlugin - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin
SQLTuplePlugin is a JAS3 plugin of SQLTuple.
SQLTuplePlugin() - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTuplePlugin
SQLTupleWizardPage - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin
SQLTupleWizardPage is a Wizard to establish connection to SQL database using SQLTuple.
SQLTupleWizardPage() - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleWizardPage
sqlType(Class) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Type
Give native SQL string value corresponding to Java Class.
src() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Give connected StmtSrc.properties.
start() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Start looping, positions in the first row.
start(IFilter) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
SQLTuple extension: get subNTuple (subset of rows) and positions in the first row.
start(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
SQLTuple extension: get subNTuple (subset of columns) and positions in the first row.
start(IFilter, String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
SQLTuple extension: get subNTuple (subset of rows and columns) and positions in the first row.
start(String[]) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
SQLTuple extension: get subNTuple (subset of columns) and positions in the first row.
start(IFilter, String[]) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
SQLTuple extension: get subNTuple (subset of rows and columns) and positions in the first row.
start() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleCursor
Rewind the Cursor to before the first row.
stmtSrc() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Give attached StmtSrc.
stmtSrc() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Give associated StmtSrc.
StmtSrc - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql
StmtStr prepares SQL commands for SQLTuple and SQLTupleFactory in a form of simple Strings.
StmtSrc(Accessor, String) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.StmtSrc
Prepare all commands.
storeType() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
Give the store type.
supportsOnlyForwardOnly() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Tell if database supports only TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY cursor.
supportsOnlyForwardOnly(String) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Implementation
Tell, if supports only TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY cursor.
supportsOnlyUpperCase() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Tell if database supports only uppercase names..
supportsOnlyUpperCase(String) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Implementation
Tell, if supports only uppercase names.
supportsReplication() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Tell if database supports replication.
supportsReplication(String) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Implementation
Tell, if supports table replication within database.
supportsType(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AidaSQLStoreFactory
Verify, if type storage type is suppotrted by this IStoreFactory.


table() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
Give the table (tuple) name.
tableCompatible(String, String[], Class[], Accessor) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Verify if NTuple (table) in the DB is compatible with provided columns description.
tableCreatable(String, String[], Class[], Accessor) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Verify if new NTuple (table) can be created from the existing one.
tableExists(String) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Verify if NTuple (table) exists in the DB.
toString() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
toString() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
toString() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Pair
toString() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Test.RowRepresentant
tree - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
tupleDescription(String, Accessor) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Describe NTuple (table) from the SQL database.
type() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleColumn
Give the type of the column.
Type - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql
Type manages mapping of ITuple to Type types and native SQL types.
Type(Accessor) - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.Type
Create, initialise non-static databases of types.
type2Object(String, Class) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Create Object from String value.


unbox(Class[]) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
Replace numeric classes with primitive types where possible.
update(String, String[]) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Perform update operation via StmtSrc.
update(String, String[]) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.StmtSrc
Perform update operation defined by the statementString.
updatePrepared(PreparedStatement) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
Perform update operation via StmtSrc using PreparedStatement.
updatePrepared(PreparedStatement) - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.StmtSrc
Perform update operation defined by the PreparedStatement.
url() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
Give the table (tuple) URL.
urlHelp(String) - Static method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Util
Form standard command "usage" message.
user() - Method in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
Give connected user.
Util - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql
Util contains various special utilities usefull in SQLTuple.
Util() - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.Util


Write - Class in hep.aida.ref.sql.Test
Write writes one NTuple table.
Write() - Constructor for class hep.aida.ref.sql.Test.Write


_accessor - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AidaSQLStore
_accessor - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
_accessor - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
_accessor - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.StmtSrc
_accessors - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
_app - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.JAS3Log4JAppender
_app - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleColumnAdapter
_app - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
_app - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTuplePlugin
_cacheFile - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
_cacheResource - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
_class2sqlName - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Type
_class2sqlType - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Type
_class2string - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Type
_closed - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleCursor
_column - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleColumn
_commands - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleColumnAdapter
_commands - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTuplePlugin
_connection - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
_console - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.JAS3Log4JAppender
_content - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Test.RowRepresentant
_customTypes - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Type
_db - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
_db - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
_defaultObjects - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
_defaultObjectsOrig - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
_defaults - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
_defaultsOrig - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
_descriptions - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
_filled - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
_forwardOnly - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
_homePageString - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
_loaded - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Type
_log - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
_name - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
_name - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.StmtSrc
_nameField - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleWizardPage
_names - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
_namesOrig - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
_options - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
_out - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.JAS3Log4JAppender
_passwd - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
_passwordField - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleWizardPage
_place - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Implementation
_place - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.StmtSrc
_place - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Type
_plotFactory - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
_plugin - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
_properties - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Implementation
_properties - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.StmtSrc
_protocol - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
_protocol - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
_readOnly - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
_rows - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
_rs - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
_schema - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
_schema - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
_schemaField - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleWizardPage
_sqlType2class - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Type
_src - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
_statement - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
_stmtSrc - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleWizardPage
_stmtSrc - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
_stmtSrc - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
_stmtSrcField - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleWizardPage
_storeType - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
_string2class - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Type
_table - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
_test - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleFactory
_tree - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
_tuple - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleColumn
_tuple - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTupleCursor
_types - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
_types - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
_typesOrig - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple
_url - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.AIDAURL
_urlField - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleWizardPage
_user - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor
_userField - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleWizardPage
_webBrowser - Variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin.SQLTupleCommands
_withinJAS - Static variable in class hep.aida.ref.sql.Accessor

A C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U W _
Written by: J.Hrivnac

Documentation built November 9 2010 on Linux by hrivnac