SQLTuple version:

Class Implementation

  extended by hep.aida.ref.sql.Implementation

public class Implementation
extends Object

Type manages information about SQL database implementations. It handles their protocol names, driver Class name and various capabilities. The features are read from Properties resource searched in:

  1. Implementation.properties
  2. hep/aida/ref/sql/Implementation.properties

$Id: Implementation.java,v 1.32 2007/06/11 14:02:29 hrivnac Exp $
See Also:
Type for list of supported Types.

 $Log: Implementation.java,v $
 Revision 1.32  2007/06/11 14:02:29  hrivnac
 better support for tags in Oracle

 Revision 1.31  2007/05/23 16:38:44  hrivnac
 logical connections for Plotter; better UML

 Revision 1.30  2007/05/22 23:33:20  hrivnac
 Plotter uses real arguments parsing

 Revision 1.29  2006/12/14 17:55:52  hrivnac
 going back to JAS 0.8.3rc6

 Revision 1.28  2006/12/12 15:21:42  hrivnac
 McKoi replaced with Derby; uppercase-only dbs handled better; moving to JAS 0.8.3

 Revision 1.27  2004/11/22 18:09:52  hrivnac
 Oracle treatment

 Revision 1.26  2004/10/22 15:32:59  hrivnac

 Revision 1.25  2004/10/22 14:22:44  hrivnac
 properties loading refactored

 Revision 1.24  2004/10/21 10:39:31  hrivnac
 works wel with ColMan

 Revision 1.23  2004/10/20 23:02:29  hrivnac
 Types mapping simplified

 Revision 1.22  2004/10/12 19:26:59  hrivnac
 MySQL Connector 3.0.14

 Revision 1.21  2004/06/30 13:01:05  hrivnac
 oracle sceleton

 Revision 1.20  2004/05/22 15:12:59  hrivnac
 class id reformated

 Revision 1.19  2004/05/18 15:34:28  hrivnac
 compatible with Java 1.5.0-beta2

 Revision 1.18  2004/04/21 22:05:53  hrivnac
 Implementation.properties to configure Inplementation.java, no SQL dependency in code

 Revision 1.17  2004/04/21 22:04:03  hrivnac
 Implementation.properties to configure Inplementation.java, no SQL dependency in code

 Revision 1.16  2004/04/21 13:41:32  hrivnac
 explicit dependency on MySQL removed

 Revision 1.15  2004/04/20 22:33:33  hrivnac
 Implementation/Type handling improved

 Revision 1.14  2004/04/16 15:32:57  hrivnac
 Type.properties to setup Type.class

 Revision 1.13  2004/04/14 13:39:46  hrivnac
 1.5 warnings fixed

 Revision 1.12  2004/04/13 15:45:54  hrivnac
 AIDA URL introduced

 Revision 1.11  2004/02/10 14:50:58  hrivnac
 JavaDoc tags completed

 Revision 1.10  2004/02/04 13:30:39  hrivnac
 - improvement of Enums internal mapping
 - general cleaning

 Revision 1.9  2003/12/29 23:43:52  hrivnac
 Only core SQLTuple; only with Java 1.5

 Revision 1.8  2003/11/05 19:46:22  hrivnac
 - FreeHEP 1.2.1
 - JAIDA 3.2.1

 Revision 1.1  2003/10/08 15:00:30  hrivnac
 Enums introduced as standard entities.


Field Summary
private static String _place
private static Properties _properties
private static Logger log
          Logging .
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void add(String protocol, String driver, boolean supportsReplication)
          Add an implementation not available from default.
static String creationCommand(String protocol)
          Give associated database creation command, if exists.
static String driver(String protocol)
          Give associated JDBC driver.
static boolean supportsOnlyForwardOnly(String protocol)
          Tell, if supports only TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY cursor.
static boolean supportsOnlyUpperCase(String protocol)
          Tell, if supports only uppercase names.
static boolean supportsReplication(String protocol)
          Tell, if supports table replication within database.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static Properties _properties


private static String _place


private static Logger log
Logging .

Constructor Detail


public Implementation()
Method Detail


public static String driver(String protocol)
Give associated JDBC driver.

protocol - The JDBC protocol.
The name of the driver Class corresponding to this Impementation.


public static String creationCommand(String protocol)
Give associated database creation command, if exists.

protocol - The JDBC protocol
The database creation command, if exists


public static boolean supportsOnlyUpperCase(String protocol)
Tell, if supports only uppercase names.

protocol - The JDBC protocol.
Whether supports only uppercase names.


public static boolean supportsReplication(String protocol)
Tell, if supports table replication within database.

protocol - The JDBC protocol.
Whether supports table replication within database.


public static boolean supportsOnlyForwardOnly(String protocol)
Tell, if supports only TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY cursor.

protocol - The JDBC protocol.
Whether supports only TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY cursor.


public static void add(String protocol,
                       String driver,
                       boolean supportsReplication)
Add an implementation not available from default.

protocol - The JDBC protocol.
driver - The name of the driver Class corresponding to this Impementation.
supportsReplication - Whether supports table replication within database.

Written by: J.Hrivnac

Documentation built November 9 2010 on Linux by hrivnac