SQLTuple version:

Uses of Class

Packages that use Accessor
hep.aida.ref.sql AIDA ITuple with SQL backend. 

Uses of Accessor in hep.aida.ref.sql

Fields in hep.aida.ref.sql declared as Accessor
private  Accessor SQLTuple._accessor
private  Accessor SQLTupleFactory._accessor
private  Accessor AidaSQLStore._accessor
private  Accessor StmtSrc._accessor

Fields in hep.aida.ref.sql with type parameters of type Accessor
private static Map<Map,Accessor> Accessor._accessors

Methods in hep.aida.ref.sql that return Accessor
 Accessor SQLTuple.accessor()
          Get attached Accessor.
 Accessor SQLTupleFactory.accessor()
          Give associated Accessor.
private  Accessor AidaSQLStore.accessor(Map optionsMap)
          Get Accessor: If there is one already associated one, use it.
static Accessor Accessor.getAccessor(Map optionsMap)
          Get Accesor corresponding to optionsMap if it already exists.
static Accessor Accessor.getAccessor(String optionsString)
          Get Accesor corresponding to optionsString if it already exists.

Methods in hep.aida.ref.sql with parameters of type Accessor
 boolean SQLTupleFactory.tableCompatible(String name, String[] names0, Class[] classes0, Accessor accessor)
          Verify if NTuple (table) in the DB is compatible with provided columns description.
 boolean SQLTupleFactory.tableCreatable(String name, String[] names0, Class[] classes0, Accessor accessor)
          Verify if new NTuple (table) can be created from the existing one.
 Object[] SQLTupleFactory.tupleDescription(String name, Accessor accessor)
          Describe NTuple (table) from the SQL database.

Constructors in hep.aida.ref.sql with parameters of type Accessor
StmtSrc(Accessor accessor, String name)
          Prepare all commands.
Type(Accessor accessor)
          Create, initialise non-static databases of types.

Written by: J.Hrivnac

Documentation built November 9 2010 on Linux by hrivnac