Class Alert

    • Field Detail

      • log

        private static org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger log
        Logging .
    • Constructor Detail

      • Alert

        public Alert​(Vertex vertex,
                     java.lang.String fields)
        Dress existing Vertex with values from HBase.
        vertex - The original Vertex.
        fields - The coma-separated list of fields to fill in from the database. All fields will be filled in if null.
      • Alert

        public Alert​(Vertex vertex,
                     java.lang.String[] fields)
        Dress existing Vertex with values from HBase.
        vertex - The original Vertex.
        fields - The fields to fill in from the database. All fields will be filled in if null.
    • Method Detail

      • getOrCreate

        public static Vertex getOrCreate​(java.lang.String rowkey,
                                         GraphTraversalSource g,
                                         java.lang.String fields)
        Get Alert backuped by HBase from the JanusGraph, or create if it doesn't exist yet.
        rowkey - The Vertex rowkey value.
        g - The GraphTraversalSource to be used to execute operations.
        fields - The coma-separated list of fields to fill. null will fill all fields. Empty String will fill nothing besides rowkey fields.
        The created Vertex. It will be created even when no corresponding entry exists in the HBase. In that case, it can be enhanced later.
      • getOrCreate

        public static Vertex getOrCreate​(java.lang.String rowkey,
                                         GraphTraversalSource g,
                                         boolean enhance)
        Get Alert backuped by HBase from the JanusGraph, or create if it doesn't exist yet.
        rowkey - The Vertex rowkey value.
        g - The GraphTraversalSource to be used to execute operations.
        enhance - Whether enhance all values from the HBase.
        The created Vertex. It will be created even when no corresponding entry exists in the HBase. In that case, it can be enhanced later.