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Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University, Prague (MFF UK)

Contact address:

Nuclear Centre
of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University
V Holesovickách 2
180 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic

tel.(42 2) 8576 2444, (42 2) 8576 2 435, (42 2) 8576 2 436
fax (42 2) 8576 2434
contact person: Rupert Leitner (

More than 15 physicists and students in the Nuclear Centre and the Department of Nuclear Physics of the Faculty work on experiments carried out together with CERN (DELPHI, ATLAS, R&Ds) and DESY (H1). They make physics simulation and experimental data processing, detector studies and theoretical calculations. Few more students and PhD students use the equipment for work on their theses. They use two HP715 workstations, X-terminals and PCs for work on CERN experiments and one Silicon Graphics station to support the activities at H1. AFS clients are installed on HP nodes.

Julius Hrivnac
Fri Dec 1 15:40:53 MET 1995