Contact address:
Institute of Physics
of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Elementary Particle Physics Division
Na Slovance 2
180 40 Praha 8
Czech Republic
tel. (42 2) 6605 2672, (42 2) 6605 2666
fax (42 2) 82 12 27
contact person: Milos Lokajícek (e-mail:
Nearly 30 physicists in the Elementary Particle Physics Division are full time involved in collaboration on experiments at CERN (DELPHI, OMEGA, ATLAS, ALICE, R&Ds) and DESY (H1). The main activities are physics simulation, data processing, detector simulation, particle phenomenology study and theoretical computation. The division runs several interconnected unix workstations (5 HP and 4 SUN) 30 GB of disk space, 12 PCs and 2 MACs,
The division provides support for ASIS software from CERN for used hardware platforms. Also, software for collaborating experiments is supported. AFS clients are available.