Distributed SQL Database prototype is based on
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# Download (or use) and install Sequoia distribution from /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/Java/Sequoia/3.0-beta3-Atlas
# (version 3.0.x) and Sequoia configuration,
# untar them somewhere.
# Go to Sequoia distribution directory and modify bin/start.sh script to reflect
# your setup.
# Start the Virtual Server Controller
# - it will open an xterm window with constroller
# - it will open another xterm window with interactive console
# In the console window, initialise database backends:
Launching the Sequoia controller console
Initializing Controller module...
Initializing VirtualDatabase Administration module...
Initializing SQL Console module...
Sequoia driver (Sequoia core v3.0-beta2) successfully loaded.
localhost:1090 > admin mydb
Virtual database Administrator Login > admin
Virtual database Administrator Password >
Ready to administrate virtual database mydb
mydb(admin) > initialize CERN force
Virtual Database mydb has been successfully initialized from backend CERN
mydb(admin) > initialize RAL force
Virtual Database mydb has been successfully initialized from backend RAL
mydb(admin) > initialize GRIDKA force
Virtual Database mydb has been successfully initialized from backend GRIDKA
mydb(admin) > enable *
Enabling all backends from their last known checkpoints
mydb(admin) >
Now you can connect to your Virtual Server from any JDBC-aware application
on URL jdbc:sequoia://localhost:25322/mydb
using driver
from Sequoia distribution under
Those file can be modified to change the Virtual Server behaviour, add other databases, etc.
They are placed in the conf
: Top level configuration of the Virtual Server.mydb.xml
: Description of the Virtual Database.The complete description of the console commands is available from the Sequoia Manuals page.
help | gives list of available commands (may be different in other modes) |
admin <virtual db> | starts administration mode |
debug on | starts debugging (inside admin mode) |
dump parsing cache | show parsing cache (inside admin mode with debug on) |
shutdown virtualdatabase <virtual db> | cleanly shutdown virtual database (so it doesn't have to be initialised and enebled next time) |
sql client <url> | starts sql client |