001    package hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin;
003    // JAS
004    import org.freehep.jas.plugin.tree.DefaultFTreeNodeAdapter;
005    import org.freehep.jas.plugin.tree.FTreeNode;
007    // FreeHEP
008    import org.freehep.util.commanddispatcher.CommandSourceAdapter;
009    import org.freehep.application.studio.Studio;
010    import org.freehep.application.PropertyUtilities;
012    // Swing
013    import javax.swing.JMenu;
014    import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
015    import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
017    /** <code>SQLTupleColumnAdapter</code> handles {@link hep.aida.ref.sql.SQLTuple}
018      * columns.
019      * <p><font color="#880088">
020      * $Id: SQLTupleColumnAdapter.java,v 1.6 2007/05/23 16:38:44 hrivnac Exp $
021      * <pre>
022      * $Log: SQLTupleColumnAdapter.java,v $
023      * Revision 1.6  2007/05/23 16:38:44  hrivnac
024      * logical connections for Plotter; better UML
025      *
026      * Revision 1.5  2005/10/10 10:05:33  hrivnac
027      * prepared for 1.0.2
028      *
029      * Revision 1.4  2005/09/29 14:31:32  hrivnac
030      * clouds and profiles added
031      *
032      * Revision 1.3  2005/09/29 13:02:39  hrivnac
033      * histograms can be plotted in a different way in JAS3
034      *
035      * Revision 1.2  2005/09/29 09:22:59  hrivnac
036      * jas3 plugin improved
037      *
038      * Revision 1.1  2005/09/28 22:49:55  hrivnac
039      * added SQLTuple-aware projections
040      *
041      * </pre>
042      * </font></p>
043      * @opt attributes
044      * @opt operations
045      * @opt types
046      * @opt visibility
047      * @version $Id: SQLTupleColumnAdapter.java,v 1.6 2007/05/23 16:38:44 hrivnac Exp $
048      * @author <a href="mailto:Julius.Hrivnac@cern.ch">J.Hrivnac</a> */
049    public class SQLTupleColumnAdapter extends DefaultFTreeNodeAdapter {
051      /** Create and attach {@link Studio} with hight pripority = 300.
052        * @param app      The attached {@link Studio}. 
053        * @param commands The associated {@link SQLTupleCommands}. */
054      SQLTupleColumnAdapter(Studio app, SQLTupleCommands commands) {
055        super(300);
056        _app = app;
057        _commands = commands;
058        }
060      /** Add <em>Projector</em> action into popup menu.
061        * @param nodes The selected {@link FTreeNode}s.
062        * @param menu  The current {@link JPopupMenu}.
063        * @return      The updated {@link JPopupMenu}. */
064      public JPopupMenu modifyPopupMenu(FTreeNode[] nodes, JPopupMenu menu) {
065        // Separator
066        if (menu.getSubElements().length != 0) {
067          menu.addSeparator();
068          }
069        // Histograms
070        JMenu histMenu = new JMenu("Histogram Projector");
071        menu.add(histMenu);
072        JMenuItem itemH0 = new JMenuItem("Project Histogram In Current Region");
073        _app.getCommandTargetManager().add(new CommandSourceAdapter(itemH0));
074        histMenu.add(itemH0);
075        JMenuItem itemH1 = new JMenuItem("Project Histogram In New Region");
076        _app.getCommandTargetManager().add(new CommandSourceAdapter(itemH1));
077        histMenu.add(itemH1);
078        JMenuItem itemH2 = new JMenuItem("Project Histogram In New Page");
079        _app.getCommandTargetManager().add(new CommandSourceAdapter(itemH2));
080        histMenu.add(itemH2);
081        JMenuItem itemH3 = new JMenuItem("Project Histogram Overlay");
082        _app.getCommandTargetManager().add(new CommandSourceAdapter(itemH3));
083        histMenu.add(itemH3);
084        // Clouds
085        JMenu cloudMenu = new JMenu("Cloud Projector");
086        menu.add(cloudMenu);
087        JMenuItem itemC0 = new JMenuItem("Project Cloud In Current Region");
088        _app.getCommandTargetManager().add(new CommandSourceAdapter(itemC0));
089        cloudMenu.add(itemC0);
090        JMenuItem itemC1 = new JMenuItem("Project Cloud In New Region");
091        _app.getCommandTargetManager().add(new CommandSourceAdapter(itemC1));
092        cloudMenu.add(itemC1);
093        JMenuItem itemC2 = new JMenuItem("Project Cloud In New Page");
094        _app.getCommandTargetManager().add(new CommandSourceAdapter(itemC2));
095        cloudMenu.add(itemC2);
096        JMenuItem itemC3 = new JMenuItem("Project Cloud Overlay");
097        _app.getCommandTargetManager().add(new CommandSourceAdapter(itemC3));
098        cloudMenu.add(itemC3);
099        // Profiles
100        JMenu profMenu = new JMenu("Profile Projector");
101        menu.add(profMenu);
102        JMenuItem itemP0 = new JMenuItem("Project Profile In Current Region");
103        _app.getCommandTargetManager().add(new CommandSourceAdapter(itemP0));
104        profMenu.add(itemP0);
105        JMenuItem itemP1 = new JMenuItem("Project Profile In New Region");
106        _app.getCommandTargetManager().add(new CommandSourceAdapter(itemP1));
107        profMenu.add(itemP1);
108        JMenuItem itemP2 = new JMenuItem("Project Profile In New Page");
109        _app.getCommandTargetManager().add(new CommandSourceAdapter(itemP2));
110        profMenu.add(itemP2);
111        JMenuItem itemP3 = new JMenuItem("Project Profile Overlay");
112        _app.getCommandTargetManager().add(new CommandSourceAdapter(itemP3));
113        profMenu.add(itemP3);
114        // Return
115        return menu;
116        }
118      /** Activate <em>Projector</em> command on double click.
119        * @param  node The selected {@link FTreeNode}.
120        * @return      <code>true</code>. 
121        * @throws IllegalArgumentException if selected double click is not defined. */
122      public boolean doubleClick(FTreeNode node) throws IllegalArgumentException {
123      int dclick = PropertyUtilities.getInteger(_app.getUserProperties(), 
124                                                "org.freehep.jas.extension.tupleexplorer.doubleClick", 
125                                                0);
126      switch (dclick) {
127        case 0:
128          _commands.onProjectHistogramInCurrentRegion();
129          break;
130        case 1:
131          _commands.onProjectHistogramInNewRegion();
132          break;
133        case 2:
134          _commands.onProjectHistogramInNewPage();
135          break;
136        case 3:
137          _commands.onProjectHistogramOverlay();
138          break;
139        default:
140          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal selection on double click " + dclick);
141          }
142        return true;
143        }
145      private Studio _app;
147      private SQLTupleCommands _commands;
149      }