001    package hep.aida.ref.sql.JAS3Plugin;
003    // Log4J
004    import org.apache.log4j.Layout;
005    import org.apache.log4j.WriterAppender;
006    import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
007    import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent;
008    import org.apache.log4j.spi.ThrowableInformation;
010    // FreeHEP
011    import org.freehep.jas.plugin.console.Console;
012    import org.freehep.jas.plugin.console.ConsoleService;
013    import org.freehep.application.Application;
014    import org.freehep.application.studio.Studio;
016    // Java
017    import java.io.PrintStream;
018    import java.net.URL;
020    /** <code>JAS3Log4JAppender</code> redirects Log4J messages to JAS3
021      * {@link Console}.
022      * <p><font color="#880088">
023      * $Id: JAS3Log4JAppender.java,v 1.4 2007/05/23 16:38:44 hrivnac Exp $
024      * <pre>
025      * $Log: JAS3Log4JAppender.java,v $
026      * Revision 1.4  2007/05/23 16:38:44  hrivnac
027      * logical connections for Plotter; better UML
028      *
029      * Revision 1.3  2004/10/29 22:27:25  hrivnac
030      * imports corrected
031      *
032      * Revision 1.2  2004/10/27 21:21:20  hrivnac
033      * better documentation
034      *
035      * Revision 1.1  2004/10/27 16:28:34  hrivnac
036      * Log4J logging is connected to JAS3 Console
037      *
038      * </pre>
039      * </font></p>
040      * @opt attributes
041      * @opt operations
042      * @opt types
043      * @opt visibility
044      * @version $Id: JAS3Log4JAppender.java,v 1.4 2007/05/23 16:38:44 hrivnac Exp $
045      * @author <a href="mailto:Julius.Hrivnac@cern.ch">J.Hrivnac</a> */
046    public class JAS3Log4JAppender extends WriterAppender {
048      /** Configure and connect to JAS3.
049        * @param o   The Object used to locate log4j configuration file.
050        * @param app The JAS3 {@link Studio} to display all messages. */
051      static void init(Object o,
052                       Studio app) {
053        _app = app;
054        setConsole();
055        URL url = o.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("hep/aida/ref/sql/JAS3Plugin/log4j.properties");
056        if (url != null) {
057          PropertyConfigurator.configure(url);
058          }
059        }
061      /** Append message to output {@link Console}.
062        * Show eventual {@link Throwable} in {@link Application} popup window.
063        * @param event The {@link LoggingEvent} to be displayed. */
064      public void append(LoggingEvent event) {
065        // Show message
066        setConsole();
067        _out.println(layout.format(event));
068        // Popup Throwable
069        ThrowableInformation ti = event.getThrowableInformation();
070        if (ti != null) {
071          Application.getApplication().error("SQLTuple Error: " + layout.format(event), ti.getThrowable());
072          }
073        }
075      /** Requires a layout.
076        * @return true */
077      public boolean requiresLayout() {
078        return true;
079        }
081       /** Override the parent {@link WriterAppender#closeWriter}
082         * implementation to dispose {@link Console}.. */
083       protected final void closeWriter() {
084         super.closeWriter();
085         if (_console != null) {
086           _console.dispose();
087           }
088         }
090      /** Set {@link Layout}.
091        * @param layout The {@link Layout} to be set. */
092      public void setLayout(Layout layout) {
093        super.setLayout(layout);
094        }
096      /** Create {@link Console} if it doesn't exist. */
097      private static void setConsole() {
098        if (_console == null) {
099          ConsoleService cs = (ConsoleService)_app.getLookup().lookup(ConsoleService.class);
100          _console = cs.getConsole("SQLTuple");
101          if (_console == null) {
102            _console = cs.createConsole("SQLTuple", null);
103            }
104          _out = new PrintStream(_console.getOutputStream(null, true));
105          }
106        }
108      private static Studio _app;
110      private static Console _console;
112      private static PrintStream _out;
114      }