001    package hep.aida.ref.sql;
003    // AIDA
004    import hep.aida.dev.IStore;
005    import hep.aida.dev.IStoreFactory;
007    /** <code>AidaSQLStoreFacory</code> implements {@link IStoreFactory}
008      * with support for supports {@link SQLTuple}. It creates {@link AidaSQLStore}.
009      * <p><font color="#880088">
010      * <pre>
011      * $Log: AidaSQLStoreFactory.java,v $
012      * Revision 1.11  2007/05/23 16:38:44  hrivnac
013      * logical connections for Plotter; better UML
014      *
015      * Revision 1.10  2004/05/22 15:12:59  hrivnac
016      * class id reformated
017      *
018      * Revision 1.9  2004/05/03 19:22:30  hrivnac
019      * basic support for JAS3
020      *
021      * Revision 1.8  2004/04/14 13:39:46  hrivnac
022      * 1.5 warnings fixed
023      *
024      * Revision 1.7  2004/04/13 15:45:54  hrivnac
025      * AIDA URL introduced
026      *
027      * Revision 1.6  2004/02/10 14:50:58  hrivnac
028      * JavaDoc tags completed
029      *
030      * Revision 1.5  2003/11/05 19:46:22  hrivnac
031      * - FreeHEP 1.2.1
032      * - JAIDA 3.2.1
033      *
034      * Revision 1.3  2003/10/21 13:24:52  hrivnac
035      * Constructor from columnString implemented.
036      *
037      * Revision 1.2  2003/10/02 14:24:01  hrivnac
038      * Cleaning.
039      *
040      * Revision 1.2  2003/09/29 14:36:40  hrivnac
041      * Works per attribute.
042      *
043      * </pre>
044      * </font></p>
045      * @opt attributes
046      * @opt operations
047      * @opt types
048      * @opt visibility
049      * @version $Id: AidaSQLStoreFactory.java,v 1.11 2007/05/23 16:38:44 hrivnac Exp $
050      * @author <a href="mailto:Julius.Hrivnac@cern.ch">J.Hrivnac</a> */
051    public class AidaSQLStoreFactory implements IStoreFactory {
053      /** The textual description of this {@link IStoreFactory}: <b>sql</b>.
054        * @return "sql". */
055      public String description() {
056        return "sql";
057        }
059      /** Verify, if <code>type</code> storage type is suppotrted by this
060        * {@link IStoreFactory}.
061        * @param  type The name of storage 
062        * @return      true if the specified name (case insensitive) is supported. */
063      public boolean supportsType(String type) {
064        return "sql".equalsIgnoreCase(type);
065        }
067      /** Create new {@link IStore}.
068        * @return IStore associated with this factory. */
069      public IStore createStore() {
070        return new AidaSQLStore();
071        }
073      }