Using SQLTuple in JAS3

More detailed information is available from SQLTuple Home Page.
SQLTuple can be used also as a Web Service.

How To Install

JAS3 Plugin of SQLTuple can be downloaded here. All its JAR files should be copied into .JAS3/extensions directory.

How To Open SQL NTuple

Connection to an SQL database can be opened using standard JAS3 mechanism via File - Open Data Source - SQLTuple Connection menu items.

How to Work with SQL Tables

SQLTuples can be used in the same way as any other NTuple.

How to Work with Big SQL Tables

Standard JAS3 functions for creatimg histograms, profiles and clouds from NTuples are optimised for file-based NTuples. There are usable for resonably small SQL tables (up to several thousend rows). Special operations Project have been introduced to create histograms, profiles and clouds from big NTuples (milions of rows). They are available by the right click on the columns (one, two or three columns) or by the double click on one column. Histograms are addeded into new folder.

How to Loop over SQL NTuple

Attached NTuple can be looped over for detailed analysis. To allow that, a user has to create a Record Source from it (via Create Record Source item on NTuple pop-up menu). Following class then allows to loop over NTuple entries:

import org.freehep.record.loop.event.RecordAdapter;
import org.freehep.record.loop.event.RecordSuppliedEvent;
import hep.aida.ref.tuple.Tuple;

public class CollectionLoop extends RecordAdapter {
  public void recordSupplied(RecordSuppliedEvent event) {
    Object record = event.getRecord();
    Tuple tuple = null;
    if (record instanceof Tuple) {
      tuple = (Tuple)record;
    else {
      System.out.println("Record is not Tuple");

J.Hrivnac, Apr'06