Version (09/Nov/2010 at 11:11:32 CET)
SQLTuple extends
FreeHEP implementation of
AIDA interface so that ITuples can be stored in an SQL
It supports any relational DB backend via JDBC
standard interface.
Configuration is provided for
Oracle and
other databases can be used at least in read mode when their JDBC
library is provided.
AIDA operations (projections, filters,
evaluators,... ) are supported in a standard way.
Some new functions have been included on top of standard
AIDA Interface.
SQLTuple can be used in any
AIDA-complient tool.
Types mapping:
On default, SQLTuple (on MySQL) uses type mapping compatible with
AIDA mapping.
Mapping rules different from standard JDBC ones are specified in the file.
Most of other numeric types are supported for reading, they are mapped to AIDA types as appropriate. MySQL
boolean, byte, char and short
are all read as short
because their proper type can't
be extracted from MySQL Schema.
Advantages over alternative Tools:
- SQLTuple runs on any platform without recompilation and can be
compiled on any platform using any Java compiler version 1.5+.
- All Relational Databases can be supported in local (embedded) or remote
(server) mode (as long as such modes are supported by the database).
- The performance of SQLTuple is in most cases higher than
performance of equivalent C++ implementation.
- SQLTuple can be easily used from other languages, like Python, Ruby,
Groovy, PNuts or C++ or as a language-neutral XML-RPC Web-Service.
- All SQL mapping (both types and commands) is customisable via text files.
Added Values for Pool:
- Standard API, already used in many Applications Frameworks and
well know to Users.
- Platform-independent, multi-language API.
- Many AIDA tools ready to access/proccess metadata.
- Support for wide range of RDBSs.
- Global operations (chaining, merging, filtering,...) on NTuples.
Added Values for AIDA:
- SQL databases to store NTuples.
Multilanguage support:
- Java programs can directly use SQLTuple.
JAS3 provides
a convenient graphical way to access SQLTuple
through SQLTuple JAS3 Plugin.
- Python code can access SQLTuple within
JAS3 or
directly using Jython
or JPype.
- PNuts code can access SQLTuple within
- C++ programs can access SQLTuple through the AIDA API
exported by AIDA-JNI
- Groovy can use SQLTuple directly.
- Language-neutral XML-RPC Web-Service access to SQLTuple is
AIDA Persistency Architecture |
Concerning persistency mechanism, there are two kinds of AIDA objects:
- Objects, which need direct access to the persistency service only for
their IO operations (read/write/update/...): IHistograms, IClouds,
IProfiles, ... All Persistency requirements for those objects can be
implemented by standard persistency techniques based on reflective Transient-Persistent
Separation (JDO, Hibernate, Serialisation,...)
- Objects, which need direct access to the persistency service for some of
their standard operations: ITuples. It is not feasible to completely
separate Transient and Persistent form of those objects. Their Persistency
should be tightly interfaced with their transient form. One possibility
(chosen here for SQL-based persistency) is to implement an ITuple
extension for each persistency mechanism.
SQLTuple Domain Decomposition and Dependencies |
- SQLTuple implements AIDA interface as an extension of the FreeHEP JAIDA
It contains several extensions (Inspector, Plotter) using AIDA to perform
global operations on NTuples (not only SQLTuples).
All the functionality is available using standard AIDA interfaces and WebService
FreeHEP AIDA Data Store Technologies |
AIDA NTuples can be stored using many different storage technologies
(Compressed XML files, Root files, HBook files, several SQL databases).
Operations between technologies (filterring, merging,...) are possible via
standard AIDA channels. Within SQL technology, native SQL channels
are used to speed up operations. |
SQLTupleFactory Design:
Ant Build files build.xml
building and testing SQLTuple.
Configuration files (they are searched in the CLASSPATH
The package distribution is available here.
JAS3 Plugin is available here.
Java 1.5+ is required to run.
Ant 1.6.5+ is required to build.
Access to SQL database is specified via following properties
(supplied via ITreeFactory.create(...)
HowToRun in JAS3
# Untar full distribution
tar zxvf SQLTuple-dist.tar.gz
# Go to steering directory
cd SQLTuple/ant
# Setup Java (1.5+) and Ant (1.5+)
# If you are on CERN afs, you can do:
. /afs/
# Build
ant jar
# Local Test
# Tests are performed on an embedded Derby database
# Example logfile
ant lcheck
# Remote Test
# Tests are performed on MySQL and PostgreSQL servers
# MySQL and PostgreSQL databases "Tuples" should exist on localhost
# and be accessible for user test with password test
# Example logfile
ant rcheck
# Full Test
# Runs both Local and Remote Tests
ant check
# Build documentation
ant doc
# Build full distribution
ant dist
# Ask for generic Ant help
ant -h[elp]
# Ask for SQLTuple Ant help
ant -p[rojecthelp]
Interactive commands:
Usage: java -jar SQLTupleInspector.exe.jar [-options]
-help show command line args
-connections show known logical connections
-logical use logical connection from database (user and password are then not needed)
-tuples <url> show list of ntuples in a database specified as jdbc:<technology>://<database> or <logical connection>
-columns <url> show list of columns in a table specified as jdbc:<technology>://<database>/<table> or <logical connection>/<table>
-rows <url> show list of rows in a table specified as jdbc:<technology>://<database>/<table> or <logical connection>/<table>
-user <user> user
-password <password> password
Usage: java -jar SQLTuplePlotter.exe.jar [-options] <url>
<url> jdbc:<technology>://<database>/<table> or <logical connection>/<table>
-help show command line args
-connections show known logical connections
-logical use logical connection from database (user and password are then not needed)
-x <x> x axis formula
-y <y> y axis formula (optional)
-weight <weight> weight formula (optional)
-filter <filter> filter formula (optional)
-user <user> user
-password <password> password (optional)
-xmin <xmin> x min (optional, speeds up creation of histograns from big ntuples)
-xmax <xmax> x max (optional, speeds up creation of histograns from big ntuples)
-ymin <ymin> y min (optional, speeds up creation of histograns from big ntuples)
-ymax <ymax> y max (optional, speeds up creation of histograns from big ntuples)
API Examples:
- Databases used in examples should already exists (as defined in
Existing NTuples will be overwritten.
- Data can be on network and can use various technologies (SQL DB, XML, Root files,...).
- All operations can be performed from all AIDA languages (Java, C++, Python,
PNuts) in a compiled or scribed way.
- All standard operations can be performed directly using AIDA API.
- All standard operations can be performed graphically in JAS3.
- Some extensions to AIDA ITuple work only on SQLTuples.
- Chains of different SQL Implementation can't be created
due to incompatible mapping.
- byte, char and long types and not conservating.
are ignored.
(AIDA semantics of those calls can't be supported
by naked SQL tables.)
- Columns of type Object or ITuple are not supported.
- ResultSets and Statements are often not properly closed,
mainly in case of a Query and Metadata.
- Database properties (defined/used via
) are bound to JDBC driver. But
one JDBC driver can carry connection to different backends (like in
case of C-JDBC driver).
is not set.
- Case sensitiveness/blindeness of databases is not handled correctly.
- boolean, byte and String columns don't accept default values.
- Passing the NTuple signiture as one string doesn't work.
is ignored in
SQLTuple.columnValue(int, FTupleCursor, Value)
- PreparedStatements are created even on readonly ITrees.
(It doesn't do any harm, but slows the initialisation down.)
- Readonly ITrees are not handled correctly.
- Titles and names are sometimes confused.
- User should be able to supply conversion code to map (unsupported) SQL
types into AIDA types.
- Existing tables in database should be scanned lazily for inclusion
in ITree. (Currently all tables schemas are requested at the
beginning to created complete ITree. It is slow in case of database
with many tables.)
- Standard URL should be supported:
- Currently, filters and evaluators can be defined only by SQL queries.
Simple Java-like code (like JDOQL) should be possible.
- Multiple level Trees should be handled (currently, just one level
is possible, corresponding to a Database).
- Generic
ITuple.fill(..., Object)
should be available.
- SQLTuple methods should be re-factored.
- 100% conformity with AIDA standard should be provided. All standard
Tests should run. Tests for multiple storage technologies
should be introduced into standard test-set.
- Unit tests should be available.
- Oracle should be tested.
- Negative tests (testing functionality which shouldn't work) should exist.
- Axamol
should be avaluated.
- Batch insert should be used.
- Customised mapping between column names/types and Java names/types
should be supported (to allow LCG/Pool/RAL AttributeList access).
- Support for HSQLDB should be included.
Requests to AIDA and FreeHEP:
- It should be possible to create ITuple from an independent Specification
object. This Specification object will carry all information needed to
create/access an NTuple. Specification should be constructable by constructors
similar to those available today in the ITupleFactory. Specification should be externalisable
(into an XML file). Also ITuple row should be creatable from its Specification so
that it can be later added to several ITuples. Possible API follows:
a) ITupleSpecification which would be created by ITupleFactory
with arguments similar to current ITupleFactory.create(...)
ITupleSpecification spec = tupleFactory.createSpec(...);
This ITupleSpecification could be then used to create several ITuples:
ITuple tuple = tupleFactory.create(spec);
b) ITupleRow which would be created by ITupleSpecification and filled in a
similar way as current ITuple:
ITupleRow row = spec.createRow();
for (...) {
row.fill(1, ...);
This ITupleRow could be then added into several ITuples:
- ITuple stored in SQL are not ordered. It should be possible to
specify it.
- Options handling (via long string) is not expressive enough. There should
be a special Options object (like Java Properties).
- It should be possible to append NTuples (using
and ITupleFactory.createFiltered(...)
- There should be visible Accessor attached to ITree.
It should be set up both for read and write (commit) access
during ITree initialisation. It should contain not only connection string (name), but
also used StmtSrc,...
static Accessor Accessor.getAccessor(...)
provides a temporary fix.)
- Interfaces should throw exceptions related to databases.
- Strategy concerning overwriting and appending should be cleanly
described and available (from ITree).
- New methods should be introduced (as done in
should handle options with dots.
and IEvaluator
should not expect
processing per lines.
should be part of AIDA.
- AIDA should standartise on SQL types corresponding to
AIDA types (as done in
- AIDA should standartise on SQL commands corresponding to
AIDA calls (as done in
- BUG: JAS3 should not close Tree during work
public void AidaSQLStore.close()
provides a temporary fix.)
- In JAS3, SQLTuple is asked for select (*) and doesn't use projections,
tuple s loaded into memory. (Related discussion is recorded in
FreeHEP Forum.
SQLTuple JAS3 plugin provides additional actions which do use AIDA calls directly.)
- α:
- β1:
- Set of ready-to-use examples.
- Support for McKoi (embedded) SQL DB.
- Full support for multiple storage formats within one application.
- Complete distribution ready to be used.
All components needed for running and building are included.
Only Java (1.4+) and Ant (1.5+) are required.
- JavaDoc documentation (also for Java 1.5 constructs).
- Instalation of Java 1.5 not required. All Java 1.5 constructs
are build and run using Java 1.4 compiler and runtime.
- Proposal for documentation of Overall Architecture of AIDA Persistency.
- Interoperability between SQL and XML provided.
- Better handling of exceptions.
- β2:
- SQL Statements refactored into one
- Log4J logging added.
- Exception handling refactored.
- Migrated to FreeHEP 1.2.1.
- Migrated to AIDA 3.2.1.
- Merger added.
- Architecture documented.
- Support for Pool Collections containing LinkTable added.
- β3:
- Prototype Pool Event Selector added.
- Systematic BenchMarking added.
- Support for Root files added.
- Complete JavaDoc (incl. Java 1.5 constructs) provided.
- Usable under Java 1.5 or Java 1.4 + 1.5 extensions.
- C++ API added.
- JWSDP Web Service prototype (of EventSelector) added.
- β4:
- Only supported with Java 1.5.
- Collection Management, C++ and WebSevice interface moved to other packages.
- Nonstandard can be specified as a Property.
- Available in Atlas (since 7.6.0 release).
- 0.9.1:
- First functional non-beta.
- 0.9.2:
- Complete JavaDoc documentation.
- 0.9.3:
- Java-SQL mapping customisable via file.
- 0.9.4:
- Implementation features customisable via file.
- No dependency on SQL in code.
- Support for JAS3.
- Arguments can be passed to StmtSrc directly.
- Oracle is supported.
- Writing is more optimised for speed.
- 0.9.5:
- SQLTuple can be run as a standard JAS3 plugin.
- Upgrade to new JDBC drivers: MySQL/3.1.4, PostgreSQL/3.0.7, McKoi/1.0.3.
- BugFix: ITuple.get*(...) returns specified default values
in case of failure.
- Support for C-JDBC.
- Simplifid handling ot types mapping. Default mapping is
used when possible.
- Any database (with JDBC driver) can be used.
- Many small bug-fixes.
- Better Log4J Appender.
- 1.0.0:
- Support for Schema specification.
- Better support for uppercase-only databases (like Oracle).
- ITuple.rows() reports correct number of rows even after a filter.
- Adding rows uses PreparedStatement.
- 1.0.1:
- Made up-to-date with FreeHEP used in JAS3 0.8.1.
- ITuple.start() resets ITuple to its original shape even after customised ITuple.start(...) calls.
- 1.0.2:
- Made up-to-date with JAS3 0.8.2 and JAIDA 3.2.4.
- JAS3 plugin adds actions using directly calls to AIDA ITuple. It profits from SQLTuple
- 1.1.0:
- Plotter and Inspector Utilities included.
- JSP Web Service included.
- Oracle long-style URL allowed.
- Database (meta)data can be cached.
- Tree View added to Web Service.
- Scanner added to Web Service.
- McKoi replaced with Apache Derby.
- 1.2.0:
- Histogramming for Tag databases suported.
- tnsnames.ora file is translated into context.xml file
- hep.aida.ref.sql.forwardonly option trigger FORWARD_ONLY ResultSet (for big Ntuples).
- Standalone Plotter fills histograms progressively.
- Plotter can use logical connections defined in XML files.
- Set of standard histograms of tag database is created.
- Google Gadget added.
- Workarounds FreeHEP problems in CERN J2EE server added.
Related Documentation:
SQLTuple has not been developed by LCG.
J.Hrivnac, 09/Nov/2010 at 11:11:32 CET