Oracle Java Functions

Version 0.0.0 (build 11/Nov/2005 at 20:34:39 CET)


OraFun allows loading Java functions into Oracle database.



Ant Build files build.xml manages building, deploying and testing OraFun.

The package distribution is available here. Java 1.5+ and Ant 1.5+ are required.



Two entities should be developed to load a Java function to an Oracle database:

Some examples of such Java classes and SQL scripts are available in src/net/hep/atlas/Database/Collections/OracleFunctions directory.

Java 1.5+ and Ant 1.5+ should be used. On CERN AFS, they can be set by the following command: . /afs/

Following steps should be performed to load a Java function into an Oracle database (commands are performed in ant directory, sources are in src directory:

  1. Implement Java class with a function to be mapped.
  2. Implement a mapping SQL script.
  3. Edit file: fill information about database connection and classes and scripts to be loaded.
  4. Load Colt library (which contains usefull mathematical functions): ant colt (this step takes some time, but should be performed only once).
  5. Load class and script: ant load.
  6. Unload class and script (if needed): ant clean.
  7. Perform test of default functions: ant check.
  8. Get information about available Ant targets: ant -projecthelp.



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J.Hrivnac, 11/Nov/2005 at 20:34:39 CET