001package com.astrolabsoftware.FinkBrowser.Januser;
003import com.Lomikel.Januser.JanusClient;
005// Tinker Pop
006import static org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.__.unfold;
007import static org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.P.*;
008import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex;
010// Java
011import java.util.List;
013// Log4J
014import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
015import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
017/** <code>AlertUtilities</code> provides utility searches for alerts.
018  * @opt attributes
019  * @opt operations
020  * @opt types
021  * @opt visibility
022  * @author <a href="mailto:Julius.Hrivnac@cern.ch">J.Hrivnac</a> */
023public class AlertUtilities extends JanusClient {
025  /** TBD */
026  public static void main(String[] args) {
027    AlertUtilities au = new AlertUtilities(args[0]);
028    List<Vertex> r = au.searchJd(Double.valueOf(args[1]), Double.valueOf(args[2]), args[3], Integer.valueOf(args[4]));
029    log.info(r);
030    au.close();
031    }
033  /** Create with connection parameters.
034    * @param hostname The HBase hostname.
035    * @param port     The HBase port.
036    * @param table    The HBase table. */
037  public AlertUtilities(String hostname,
038                        int    port,
039                        String table) {
040    super(hostname, port, table, false);
041    }
043  /** Create with connection parameters.
044    * @param hostname The HBase hostname.
045    * @param port     The HBase port.
046    * @param table    The HBase table.
047    * @param batch    Whether open graph for batch loading. */
048  public AlertUtilities(String  hostname,
049                        int     port,
050                        String  table,
051                        boolean batch) {
052    super(hostname, port, table, batch);
053    }
055  /** Create with connection properties file.
056    * @param properties The file with the complete properties. */
057  public AlertUtilities(String properties) {
058    super(properties);
059    }
061  /** Search {@link Vertex}es between <em>Julian Dates</em>.
062    * @param since The end <em>Julian Date</em>.
063    * @param till  The start <em>Julian Date</em>.
064    * @param lbl   The {@link Vertex} label.
065    * @param limit The maximal number of resuolts to give.
066    * @return      The {@link List} of {@link Vertex}es.
067    */
068  public List<Vertex> searchJd(double since,
069                               double till,
070                               String lbl,
071                               int    limit) {
072    log.info("Searching " + lbl + " within " + since + " - " + till + ", limit = " + limit);
073    if (limit <= 0) {
074      log.info(g().V().has("jd", inside(since, till)).has("lbl", lbl).count());
075      return null;
076      }
077    return g().V().has("jd", inside(since, till)).has("lbl", lbl).limit(limit).toList();
078    }
080  /** Logging . */
081  private static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(AlertUtilities.class);
083  }