001package com.astrolabsoftware.FinkBrowser.FinkPortalClient;
003import com.Lomikel.Utils.SmallHttpClient;
004import com.Lomikel.Utils.LomikelException;
006// org.json
007import org.json.JSONArray;
008import org.json.JSONObject;
010// Java
011import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
013// Log4J
014import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
015import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
017/** <code>FPC</code> is a client for <a href="https://api.fink-portal.org/api">Fink Science Portal</a>.
018  * @opt attributes
019  * @opt operations
020  * @opt types
021  * @opt visibility
022  * @author <a href="mailto:Julius.Hrivnac@cern.ch">J.Hrivnac</a> */
023public class FPC {
025  /** Call <em>Fink Science Portal <b>objects</b></em> Web Service.
026    * <a href="https://api.fink-portal.org/api">https://api.fink-portal.org/api/v1</a>.
027    * @param request  The requested formulated as {@link JSONObject}.
028    * @param endpoint The service endpoint.
029    * @return         The answer formulated as {@link JSONArray}.
030    * @throws LomikelException If call fails. */
031  public static JSONArray objects(JSONObject request) throws LomikelException {
032    return call(request, OBJECTS_WS);
033    }
035  /** Call <em>Fink Science Portal <b>latests</b></em> Web Service.
036    * <a href="https://api.fink-portal.org/api/v1/latests">https://api.fink-portal.org/api/v1/latests</a>.
037    * @param request  The requested formulated as {@link JSONObject}.
038    * @param endpoint The service endpoint.
039    * @return         The answer formulated as {@link JSONArray}.
040    * @throws LomikelException If call fails. */
041  public static JSONArray latests(JSONObject request) throws LomikelException {
042    return call(request, LATESTS_WS);
043    }
045  /** Call <em>Fink Science Portal <b>anomaly</b></em> Web Service.
046    * <a href="https://api.fink-portal.org/api/v1/anomaly">https://api.fink-portal.org/api/v1/anomaly</a>.
047    * @param request  The requested formulated as {@link JSONObject}.
048    * @param endpoint The service endpoint.
049    * @return         The answer formulated as {@link JSONArray}.
050    * @throws LomikelException If call fails. */
051  public static JSONArray anomaly(JSONObject request) throws LomikelException {
052    return call(request, ANOMALY_WS);
053    }
055  /** Call <em>Fink Science Portal</em> Web Service.
056    * @param request  The requested formulated as {@link JSONObject}.
057    * @param endpoint The service endpoint.
058    * @return         The answer formulated as {@link JSONArray}.
059    * @throws LomikelException If call fails. */
060  private static JSONArray call(JSONObject request,
061                                String     endpoint) throws LomikelException {
062     String answer = shc.postJSON(FINK_SCIENCE_PORTAL + "/" + endpoint,
063                                  request.toString(),
064                                  null,
065                                  null);
066     JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(answer);
067     return ja;
068    }
070  public static SmallHttpClient shc = new SmallHttpClient();
072  private static String FINK_SCIENCE_PORTAL = "https://api.fink-portal.org/api/v1";
073  private static String OBJECTS_WS = "objects";
074  private static String LATESTS_WS = "latests";
075  private static String ANOMALY_WS = "anomaly";
077  /** Logging . */
078  private static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(FPC.class);
080  }