Class FinkGremlinRecipies

    • Method Detail

      • processSourcesOfInterest

        public void processSourcesOfInterest​(java.lang.String classifierName,
                                             java.lang.String hbaseUrl,
                                             int nLimit,
                                             int timeLimit,
                                             java.lang.String[] clss,
                                             boolean enhance,
                                             java.lang.String columns)
                                      throws LomikelException
        Execute full chain of new sources correlations analyses.
        classifierName - The name of the Classifier to be used.
        hbaseUrl - The url of HBase with alerts as ip:port:table:schema.
        nLimit - The maximal number of alerts getting from HBase or Fink Portal.
        timeLimit - How far into the past the search should search (in minutes).
        clss - An array of classes taken from FPC, if contains Anomaly, get anomalies from FPC, if null, analyse sources from HBase database.
        enhance - Whether expand tree under all SourcesOfInterest with alerts possibly filled with requested HBase columns.
        columns - HBase columns to be copied into graph alerts. May be null.
        LomikelException - If anhything fails.
      • fillSourcesOfInterest

        public void fillSourcesOfInterest​(Classifiers classifier,
                                          java.lang.String hbaseUrl,
                                          int nLimit,
                                          int timeLimit,
                                          java.lang.String[] clss,
                                          boolean enhance,
                                          java.lang.String columns)
                                   throws LomikelException
        Fill graph with SourcesOfInterest and expand them to alerts (if requested).
        classifier - The Classifier to be used.
        hbaseUrl - The url of HBase with alerts as ip:port:table:schema.
        nLimit - The maximal number of alerts getting from HBase or Fink Portal.
        timeLimit - How far into the past the search should search (in minutes).
        clss - An array of classes taken from FPC, if contains Anomaly, get anomalies from FPC, if null, analyse sources from HBase database.
        enhance - Whether expand tree under all SourcesOfInterest with alerts possibly filled with requested HBase columns.
        columns - The HBase columns to be copied into graph alerts. May be null.
        LomikelException - If anything fails.
      • classifySource

        public void classifySource​(Classifiers classifier,
                                   java.lang.String oid,
                                   java.lang.String hbaseUrl,
                                   boolean enhance,
                                   java.lang.String columns)
                            throws LomikelException
        Classify source and expand them to alerts (if requested).
        classifier - The Classifier to be used.
        oid - The objectId of source to be added.
        hbaseUrl - The url of HBase with alerts as ip:port:table:schema.
        enhance - Whether expand tree under all SourcesOfInterest with alerts possibly filled with requested HBase columns.
        columns - The HBase columns to be copied into graph alerts. May be null.
        LomikelException - If anything fails.
      • registerSourcesOfInterest

        public void registerSourcesOfInterest​(Classifiers classifier,
                                              java.lang.String cls,
                                              java.lang.String objectId,
                                              double weight,
                                              java.lang.String instancesS,
                                              java.lang.String hbaseUrl,
                                              boolean enhance,
                                              java.lang.String columns)
        Register source in SourcesOfInterest.
        classifier - The Classifier to be used.
        cls - The type (class) of SourcesOfInterest Vertex. It will be created if not yet exists.
        objectId - The objectId of the new Source Vertex. It will be created if not yet exists.
        weight - The weight of the connection. Usualy the number of Alerts of this type.
        instanceS - The jd of related Alerts as strings separated by comma. Potential square brackets are removed.
        hbaseUrl - The url of the HBase carrying full Alert data as ip:port:table:schema.
        enhance - Whether expand tree under all SourcesOfInterest with alerts possibly filled with requested HBase columns.
        columns - The HBase columns to be filled into alerts. May be null. Ignored if enhancement not requested.
      • registerSourcesOfInterest

        public void registerSourcesOfInterest​(Classifiers classifier,
                                              java.lang.String cls,
                                              java.lang.String objectId,
                                              double weight,
                                              java.util.Set<java.lang.Double> instances,
                                              java.lang.String hbaseUrl,
                                              boolean enhance,
                                              java.lang.String columns)
        Register source in SourcesOfInterest.
        classifier - The Classifier to be used.
        cls - The type (class) of SourcesOfInterest Vertex. It will be created if not yet exists.
        objectId - The objectId of the new Source Vertex. It will be created if not yet exists.
        weight - The weight of the connection. Usualy the number of Alerts of this type.
        instances - The jd of related Alerts.
        hbaseUrl - The url of the HBase carrying full Alert data as ip:port:table:schema.
        enhance - Whether expand tree under all SourcesOfInterest with alerts filled with requested HBase columns.
        columns - The HBase columns to be filled into alerts. May be null. Ignored if enhancement not requested.
      • enhanceSourcesOfInterest

        public void enhanceSourcesOfInterest​(Classifiers classifier,
                                             java.lang.String columns)
                                      throws LomikelException
        Expand tree under all SourcesOfInterest with alerts filled with requested HBase columns.
        classifier - The Classifier to be used.
        columns - The HBase columns to be filled into alerts. May be null.
        LomikelException - If anything goes wrong.
      • enhanceSourcesOfInterest

        public void enhanceSourcesOfInterest​(Classifiers classifier,
                                             java.lang.String cls,
                                             java.lang.String columns)
                                      throws LomikelException
        Expand tree under SourcesOfInterest with alerts filled with requested HBase columns.
        classifier - The Classifier to be used.
        cls - The type (class) of SourcesOfInterest.
        columns - The HBase columns to be filled into alerts. May be null.
        LomikelException - If anything goes wrong.
      • enhanceSource

        public void enhanceSource​(Classifiers classifier,
                                  Vertex source,
                                  java.lang.String[] jds,
                                  java.lang.String columns)
                           throws LomikelException
        Expand tree under source with alerts filled with requested HBase columns. It also assembles related AlertsOfInterest.
        classifier - The Classifier to be used.
        source - The source.
        jds - The jd of related Alerts.
        columns - The HBase columns to be filled into alerts. May be null.
        LomikelException - If anything goes wrong.