Class AvroImporter

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      AvroImporter​(java.lang.String properties, int reportLimit, int commitLimit, java.lang.String strategy, java.lang.String fitsDir, java.lang.String hbaseUrl, java.lang.String dataType)
      Create with JanusGraph properties file.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void close()
      Close graph.
      protected java.lang.String fitsDir()
      The directory for FITS files.
      private java.util.List<java.lang.String> getSimpleFields​(GenericRecord record, java.util.List<java.lang.String> keeps, java.lang.String[] avoids)
      Get Schema.Fields corresponding to simple types and having non-null values.
      private java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getSimpleValues​(GenericRecord record, java.util.List<java.lang.String> fields)
      Register part of GenericRecord in HBase.
      protected java.lang.String hbaseUrl()
      The data HBase table url.
      static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)
      Import Avro files or directory.
      protected int n()
      Give number of created alerts/pcas.
      protected void now()
      Set new Date.
      void process​(java.lang.String fn)
      Process Avro alert file or directory with files (recursive).
      Vertex processAlert​(GenericRecord record)
      Process Avro alert.
      private void processCutout​(GenericRecord record, Vertex mother, java.lang.String objectId, java.lang.String jd)
      Process Avro cutout.
      void processDir​(java.lang.String dirFN, java.lang.String fileExt)
      Process directory with Avro alert files (recursive).
      void processFile​( file)
      Process Avro alert file .
      private Vertex processGenericRecord​(GenericRecord record, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String idName, boolean tryDirection, Vertex mother, java.lang.String edgeName, java.util.List<java.lang.String> fields, java.lang.String objectId)
      Process Avro GenericRecord.
      Vertex processPCA​(GenericRecord record)
      Process Avro PCA.
      void processRecord​(GenericRecord record)
      Process GenericRecord of the requested type.
      void register​(java.lang.String fn)
      Register Import Vertex.
      protected boolean skip()
      Tell, whether import shpuld be skipped.
      private Vertex vertex​(GenericRecord record, java.lang.String label, java.lang.String property, java.lang.String strategy)
      Create or drop a Vertex according to chosen strategy.
      protected void writeFits​(java.lang.String fn, byte[] data)
      Write FITS file.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • AvroImporter

        public AvroImporter​(java.lang.String properties,
                            int reportLimit,
                            int commitLimit,
                            java.lang.String strategy,
                            java.lang.String fitsDir,
                            java.lang.String hbaseUrl,
                            java.lang.String dataType)
        Create with JanusGraph properties file.
        properties - The file with the complete Janusgraph properties.
        reportLimit - The number of events to use for progress report (-1 means no report untill the end).
        commitLimit - The number of events to commit in one step (-1 means commit only at the end).
        strategy - The creation strategy. drop,replace,getOrCreate.
        fitsDir - The directory for FITS files. If null or empty, FITS are included in the Graph. Ignored if HBase url set.
        hbaseUrl - The url for HBase table with full data as ip:port:table:schema. May be null or empty.
        dataType - The data type, alert|pca. If null, then considering as alert.
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)
        Import Avro files or directory.
        args - [0] The Janusgraph properties file.
        args - [1] The Avro file or directory with Avro files.
        args - [2] The directory for FITS files. If null or empty, FITS are included in the Graph. Ignored if HBase url set.
        args - [3] The url for HBase table with full data as ip:port:table:schema. May be null or empty.
        args - [4] The number of events to use for progress report (-1 means no report untill the end).
        args - [5] The number of events to commit in one step (-1 means commit only at the end).
        args - [6] The creation strategy. create,drop,replace,skip.
        args - [7] The data type, alert|pca. If null, then considering as alert.
        LomikelException - If anything goes wrong.
      • processDir

        public void processDir​(java.lang.String dirFN,
                               java.lang.String fileExt)
        Process directory with Avro alert files (recursive).
        dirFN - The dirname of directiory with data file.
        fileExt - The file extention.
        Throws: - If problem with file reading.
      • process

        public void process​(java.lang.String fn)
        Process Avro alert file or directory with files (recursive).
        fn - The filename of the data file or directory with files.
        Throws: - If problem with file reading.
        LomikelException - If anything wrong.
      • register

        public void register​(java.lang.String fn)
        Register Import Vertex.
        fn - The filename of the data file or directory with files.
      • processFile

        public void processFile​( file)
        Process Avro alert file .
        file - The data file.
        Throws: - If problem with file reading.
      • processPCA

        public Vertex processPCA​(GenericRecord record)
        Process Avro PCA. Only create PCAs for already existing sources. Do not verify if the PCA already exists (so multiple PCAs fvor one source may be created.
        record - The full PCA GenericRecord.
        The created Vertex.
      • processGenericRecord

        private Vertex processGenericRecord​(GenericRecord record,
                                            java.lang.String name,
                                            java.lang.String idName,
                                            boolean tryDirection,
                                            Vertex mother,
                                            java.lang.String edgeName,
                                            java.util.List<java.lang.String> fields,
                                            java.lang.String objectId)
        Process Avro GenericRecord.
        record - The GenericRecord to process.
        name - The name of new Vertex.
        idName - The name of the unique identifying field.
        tryDirection - Whether try created Direction property from ra,dec fields.
        mother - The mother Vertex.
        edgerName - The name of the edge to the mother Vertex.
        fields - The list of fields to fill. All fields are filled if null
        objectId - The objectId of the containing source.
        The created Vertex.
      • processCutout

        private void processCutout​(GenericRecord record,
                                   Vertex mother,
                                   java.lang.String objectId,
                                   java.lang.String jd)
        Process Avro cutout.
        record - The GenericRecord to process.
        mother - The Vertex to attach to.
        jd - The jd of the corresponding candidate.
      • getSimpleValues

        private java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getSimpleValues​(GenericRecord record,
                                                                                       java.util.List<java.lang.String> fields)
        Register part of GenericRecord in HBase.
        record - The GenericRecord to be registered in HBase.
        fields - The fields to be mapped.
      • getSimpleFields

        private java.util.List<java.lang.String> getSimpleFields​(GenericRecord record,
                                                                 java.util.List<java.lang.String> keeps,
                                                                 java.lang.String[] avoids)
        Get Schema.Fields corresponding to simple types and having non-null values.
        record - The GenericRecord to use.
        keeps - The GenericRecord to report. Report all if null.
        avoids - The array of fields names not to report. Cannot cancel keeps argument.
        The list of coressponding fields.
      • vertex

        private Vertex vertex​(GenericRecord record,
                              java.lang.String label,
                              java.lang.String property,
                              java.lang.String strategy)
        Create or drop a Vertex according to chosen strategy.
        record - The full GenericRecord.
        label - The Vertex label.
        property - The name of Vertex property. If null strategy is ignored and Vertex is created.
        strategy - The creation strategy: drop, replace, reuse, skip, create. If anything else, the global strategy b is used.
        The created Vertex or null.
      • writeFits

        protected void writeFits​(java.lang.String fn,
                                 byte[] data)
        Write FITS file.
        fn - The FITS file name.
        data - The FITS file content.
      • fitsDir

        protected java.lang.String fitsDir()
        The directory for FITS files.
        The FITS file directory.
      • hbaseUrl

        protected java.lang.String hbaseUrl()
        The data HBase table url.
        The data HBase table url.
      • n

        protected int n()
        Give number of created alerts/pcas.
        The number of created alerts/pcas.
      • skip

        protected boolean skip()
        Tell, whether import shpuld be skipped.
        Whether import shpuld be skipped.
      • now

        protected void now()
        Set new Date.