Lomikel is a set of general purpose tools.

03.05.00 [25/Feb/2025 at 22:51:19 CET by hrivnac]


Web Service

Customisation Options

Command Line

# download Lomikel-03.05.00.jar
# download Lomikel-03.05.00-ext.jar
# then
# download Lomikel-03.05.00.exe.jar
# for pure Lomikel
# download Lomikel-03.05.00-HBase.jar
# and
# Lomikel-03.05.00-HBase.exe.jar
# for Lomikel with HBase support
# download Lomikel-03.05.00-Janus.jar
# and
# Lomikel-03.05.00-Janus.exe.jar
# for Lomikel with Janus and HBase support
# then set an alias to appripriate exe.jar file
$ alias lomikel='java -jar Lomikel*.exe.jar'
# then call
$ lomikel -h
usage: java -jar Lomikel.exe.jar [-a ] [-b] [-g] [-h] [-n] [-q] [-s <file>] [-w]
-a,--api <language> cli language: [bsh|groovy|python] (othewise taken from source extension, defauld is bsh
-b,--batch          run in a batch
-g,--gui            run in a graphical window
-h,--help           show help
-n,--notebook       run in an notebook
-q,--quiet          minimal direct feedback
-s,--source <file>  source script file (init. is also sourced)
-w,--web            run as a web service

Bugs, Inconsistencies and ToDos

Bugs Inconsistencies ToDos

Release History

Related Documentation


J.Hrivnac 25/Feb/2025 at 22:51:19 CET by hrivnac