Indicium package provides an implementation of the AttributeList (Event Metadate, Tags) for the LCG/Pool project in Java and C++ (with the same API). The core of Indicium is implemented in Java
The mission of Indicium is to provide a Framework for first-pass analysis and Event pre-selection based on simple AttributeSet objects describing major Event' characteristics.
Thanks to implemetation using JDO (Java Data Objects) standard (JSR12), Indicium provides full database functionality (storage, retreival, manipulation, queriyng) using all commonly-used databases. As all that functionality is provided directly by numerous JDO implementation, the only task of Indicium is to provide customised AttributeSet objects and high-level management of databases.
The core of Indicium is written in Java, as it is the only realistic way of providing required functionality (orthogonality, DB independence,...). The target language is, however, C++, as within Java, the same requirements can be satisfied in a much more straightforward way. C++ interface is provided by the package CIndicium.
Following the decision of T.Wenaus, Indicium may not be included in the official LCG/Pool distribution and releases. More primitive implementation of AttributeList is being developed instead.