Version 1.2.0 (build 02/May/2008 at 16:05:55 CEST)
FreeHEP 3D Graphics package provides following high level
Java 3D objects and operations:
- Complex optimised 3D Solids: Trapezoid,
PolyLine and
- Outlined Shape3D with wireframe highlighting
- Boolean operations between Solids.
- Special 3D objects for High Energy Physics, like Helix or Geant4 Solids.
The most resent version can be obtained from my personal distribution,
more stable version is avalable from the GraXML SourceForge project.
Detailed documentation:
Used packages and technologies:
Using packages:
Release History
- *.*.*:
- Requests:
- Provide Perigee paramerisation for Helix.
- Provide splined PolyLine.
- Allow multigeometric Shape3D for BooleanShape3D.
- Test all binary operations.
- Use JGeom.
- Relax limits on phi, allow negative phi.
- Bugs:
- Border cases for Boolean operations are sometimes wrong:
- Torus.s2.rmin = 0
- Sphere.thetamax = 90
- Construction of Geometries not well documented.
- Outlined Boolean Solid becomes transparent.
- 1.0.0:
- New features:
- Bug fixes:
- PolyGoneSegment uses the same convenion as in G4.
- 1.1.0:
- New features:
- New Cylindrical Cone (GDML eltube).
- New G4Orb, G4Hype, G4EllipticalTube.
- The number of divisions of Boolean solids can be 200x the number of divisions
of original solids (before, it was 20x) before the boolean proccessor
gives up.
- The Boolean operation can involve relative translation and rotation between elements.
- 1.1.2:
- New features:
- Moved to SourceForge GraXML project.
- 1.1.3:
- New features:
- Shape3D can be outlined without clone creation.
- Shape3Ds are stripified for performance.
- 1.2.0:
- New features:
- PolyGone added.
- PolyGoneSegment generalised.
- Extrusion added.
- PointSet added.
- Ring added.
- Cuboid added.
- *.*.*:
J.Hrivnac, 02/May/2008 at 16:05:55 CEST