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addDistances(String, String, String, String[], double, double) - Method in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser
Add distances between CustomVertexs.
addImmersion(String, String, String[], int) - Method in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser
Add immersion, i.e. accumulated distance to all other CustomVertexs.
ALERTs - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser
algorithm() - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Give the algorithm(s).
Analyser - Class in com.Grapher.Analysis
Analyser applies algorithms to Graph.
Analyser(Params) - Constructor for class com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser
Create and associate an algoritm.
Analyser.DifferenceAlg - Enum in com.Grapher.Analysis
apply() - Method in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser
Apply the algorithms.
applyClustering(String, int) - Method in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser
Apply Clustering algorit_quiethm.
applyConnectivity(int, boolean) - Method in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser
Apply Connectivity algorithm.
applyStrongConnectivity() - Method in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser
Apply Strong Connectivity algorithm.
attributesReg() - Static method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
Give all registered Attributes.
attributesReg() - Static method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
Give all registered Attributes.


CLI - Class in com.Grapher.Apps
Simple Command Line.
CLI() - Constructor for class com.Grapher.Apps.CLI
com.Grapher.Analysis - package com.Grapher.Analysis
Grapher Graph anaalyses.
com.Grapher.Analysis.Algorithms - package com.Grapher.Analysis.Algorithms
Grapher Graph analyses algorithms.
com.Grapher.Apps - package com.Grapher.Apps
Grapher Apps.
com.Grapher.Convertors - package com.Grapher.Convertors
Grapher Graph Convertors.
com.Grapher.CustomGraph - package com.Grapher.CustomGraph
Grapher Graph Convertors.
com.Grapher.GUI - package com.Grapher.GUI
Grapher Graph visualisation.
com.Grapher.Tests - package com.Grapher.Tests
Grapher Tests.
com.Grapher.Utils - package com.Grapher.Utils
Lomikel Utils.
configuration() - Static method in class com.Grapher.Utils.Info
Get run-time Configuration.
ConnectivityAlgorithm - Class in com.Grapher.Analysis.Algorithms
ConnectivityAlgorithm calculates the level of connectivity between vertices.
ConnectivityAlgorithm(Graph<CustomVertex, CustomEdge>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.Grapher.Analysis.Algorithms.ConnectivityAlgorithm
Create and run.
convert() - Method in class com.Grapher.Convertors.Convertor
Read and execute the conversion.
convert(Graph<CustomVertex, CustomEdge>) - Method in class com.Grapher.Convertors.Convertor
Execute the conversion.
Convertor - Class in com.Grapher.Convertors
Convertor converts between Graph formats.
Convertor(Params) - Constructor for class com.Grapher.Convertors.Convertor
Convert graph file into new format.
createGraphMLExporter() - Method in class com.Grapher.Convertors.Convertor
createGraphMLImporter() - Method in class com.Grapher.Convertors.Convertor
createHrefGraph() - Static method in class com.Grapher.Tests.HelloJGraphT
Creates a toy directed graph based on URI objects that represents link structure.
createStringGraph() - Static method in class com.Grapher.Tests.HelloJGraphT
Create a toy graph based on String objects.
CustomEdge - Class in com.Grapher.CustomGraph
CustomEdge represents graph edge.
CustomEdge() - Constructor for class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
Create new Edge from the default id.
CustomEdge(long) - Constructor for class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
Create new Edge from the supplied id.
CustomEdgeSupplier - Class in com.Grapher.CustomGraph
CustomEdgeSupplier supplies Supplier for CustomEdge.
CustomEdgeSupplier() - Constructor for class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdgeSupplier
CustomVertex - Class in com.Grapher.CustomGraph
CustomVertex represents graph vertex.
CustomVertex() - Constructor for class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
Create new Vertex from the default id.
CustomVertex(long) - Constructor for class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
Create new Vertex from the supplied id.
CustomVertexSupplier - Class in com.Grapher.CustomGraph
CustomVertexSupplier supplies Supplier for CustomVertex.
CustomVertexSupplier() - Constructor for class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertexSupplier


DEFAULT_SIZE - Static variable in class com.Grapher.GUI.Shower
DEFAULT_SIZE - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Tests.HelloJGraphX
difference(CustomVertex, CustomVertex, String[], TreeMap<String, Double>, Analyser.DifferenceAlg) - Method in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser
Give the difference between CustomVertexs.
DifferenceAlg() - Constructor for enum com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser.DifferenceAlg


equals(Object) - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
equals(Object) - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
execute() - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.CLI
Execute command line in required way.


fill(Graph<CustomVertex, CustomEdge>) - Method in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser
Fill the Graph to be acted upon.


generateWeight() - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
Generate the Edge weight.
get() - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdgeSupplier
get() - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertexSupplier
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
Give one Attribute.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
Give one Attribute.
getAttributes() - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
Give Map of all Attributes.
getAttributes() - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
Give Map of all Attributes.
getId() - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
Give the Edge id.
getId() - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
Give the Vertex id.
getLbl() - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
Give the Edge label (type).
getLbl() - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
Give the Vertex label (type).
getLeastConnected(int) - Method in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Algorithms.ConnectivityAlgorithm
Give the least connected Vertexes.
getMostConnected(int) - Method in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Algorithms.ConnectivityAlgorithm
Give the most connected Vertexes.
getName() - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
Give the Edge name.
getName() - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
Give the Vertex name.
graph() - Method in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser
Give current Graph.


hashCode() - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
hashCode() - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
HelloJGraphT - Class in com.Grapher.Tests
A simple introduction to using JGraphT.
HelloJGraphT() - Constructor for class com.Grapher.Tests.HelloJGraphT
HelloJGraphX - Class in com.Grapher.Tests
A demo applet that shows how to use JGraphX to visualize JGraphT graphs.
HelloJGraphX() - Constructor for class com.Grapher.Tests.HelloJGraphX
help() - Static method in class com.Grapher.Apps.CLI
Give the help.


id - Variable in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdgeSupplier
id - Variable in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertexSupplier
infile() - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Give the input file name.
Info - Class in com.Grapher.Utils
Info keeps configuration information about the Grapher setup.
Info() - Constructor for class com.Grapher.Utils.Info
init() - Method in class com.Grapher.Tests.HelloJGraphX
init(boolean) - Static method in class com.Grapher.Utils.Init
Setup system.
Init - Class in com.Grapher.Utils
Init provides common initialisation.
Init() - Constructor for class com.Grapher.Utils.Init


jgxAdapter - Variable in class com.Grapher.GUI.Shower
jgxAdapter - Variable in class com.Grapher.Tests.HelloJGraphX


LIN - com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser.DifferenceAlg
log - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Algorithms.ConnectivityAlgorithm
Logging .
log - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser
Logging .
log - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Apps.CLI
Logging .
log - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Logging .
log - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Convertors.Convertor
Logging .
log - Static variable in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
Logging .
log - Static variable in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
Logging .
log - Static variable in class com.Grapher.GUI.Shower
Logging .
log - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Utils.Info
Logging .
log - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Utils.Init
Logging .
LOG - com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser.DifferenceAlg


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.Grapher.Apps.CLI
Create and execute following command line arguments.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.Grapher.Tests.HelloJGraphT
The starting point for the demo.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.Grapher.Tests.HelloJGraphX
An alternative starting point for this demo, to also allow running this applet as an application.


name() - Static method in class com.Grapher.Utils.Info
Give application name.
noedge() - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Tell whether Edges should be ignored on import.
novertex() - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Tell whether edge-less Vertices should be ignored on export.


outfile() - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Give the output file name.


Params - Class in com.Grapher.Apps
Runtime parameters.
Params() - Constructor for class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Params(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Create and set parameters.
parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.CLI
Parse the cli arguments.
PCAs - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser
putAttribute(String, Attribute) - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
Put one Attribute.
putAttribute(String, Attribute) - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
Put one Attribute.


quiet() - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Tell whether running in a quiet mode.


RADECs - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser
read() - Method in class com.Grapher.Convertors.Convertor
Read Graph from input file.
readGraphML(InputStream, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.Grapher.Convertors.Convertor
Create Graph from GraphML InputStream.
release() - Static method in class com.Grapher.Utils.Info
Give builder release.
renderHrefGraph(Graph<URI, DefaultEdge>) - Static method in class com.Grapher.Tests.HelloJGraphT
Render a graph in DOT format.


script() - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Give the script file name.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Tests.HelloJGraphX
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Set the algorithm(s).
setId(long) - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
Set the Edge id.
setId(long) - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
Set the Vertex id.
setInfile(String) - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Set the input file name.
setNamesMap(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
Set mapping from Edge labels to Edge names.
setNamesMap(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
Set mapping from Vertex labels to Vertex names.
setNoedge(boolean) - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Set whether Edges should be ignored on import.
setNovertex(boolean) - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Set whether edge-less Vertices should be ignored on export.
setOutfile(String) - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Set the output file name.
setQuiet(boolean) - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Set whether running in a quiet mode.
setScript(String) - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Set the script file name.
setShow(boolean) - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Set whether just show GUI.
setWeightsMap(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
Set mapping from Edge labels to Edge weight atributes.
show() - Method in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
Tell whether just show GUI.
show(Graph<CustomVertex, CustomEdge>) - Method in class com.Grapher.GUI.Shower
Show Graph.
Shower - Class in com.Grapher.GUI
Shower shows Graph in a graphical window.
Shower() - Constructor for class com.Grapher.GUI.Shower
Create JApplet.
SQR - com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser.DifferenceAlg


toString() - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
toString() - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
traverseHrefGraph(Graph<URI, DefaultEdge>, URI) - Static method in class com.Grapher.Tests.HelloJGraphT
Traverse a graph in depth-first order and print the vertices.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser.DifferenceAlg
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser.DifferenceAlg
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


weight() - Method in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
Give Edge weight.
writeCSV(Graph<CustomVertex, CustomEdge>) - Method in class com.Grapher.Convertors.Convertor
Represent Graph as a CSV string.
writeDOT(Graph<CustomVertex, CustomEdge>) - Method in class com.Grapher.Convertors.Convertor
Represent Graph as a DOT string.
writeGraph6(Graph<CustomVertex, CustomEdge>) - Method in class com.Grapher.Convertors.Convertor
Represent Graph as a Graph6 string.
writeGraphML(Graph<CustomVertex, CustomEdge>) - Method in class com.Grapher.Convertors.Convertor
Represent Graph as a GramphML string.
writeJSON(Graph<CustomVertex, CustomEdge>) - Method in class com.Grapher.Convertors.Convertor
Represent Graph as a JSON string.
writeMatrix(Graph<CustomVertex, CustomEdge>) - Method in class com.Grapher.Convertors.Convertor
Represent Graph as a matrix string.


_algorithm - Variable in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
_attributes - Variable in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
_attributes - Variable in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
_attributesReg - Static variable in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
_attributesReg - Static variable in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
_build - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Utils.Info
_builder - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Utils.Info
_connectivity - Variable in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Algorithms.ConnectivityAlgorithm
_edgeNames - Static variable in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
_edgeWeights - Static variable in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
_gid - Static variable in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
_gid - Static variable in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
_graph - Variable in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser
_help - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Apps.CLI
_id - Variable in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomEdge
_id - Variable in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
_infile - Variable in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
_initialised - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Utils.Init
_name - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Utils.Info
_noedge - Variable in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
_novertex - Variable in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
_outfile - Variable in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
_params - Variable in class com.Grapher.Analysis.Analyser
_params - Variable in class com.Grapher.Convertors.Convertor
_quiet - Variable in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
_script - Variable in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
_show - Variable in class com.Grapher.Apps.Params
_version - Static variable in class com.Grapher.Utils.Info
_vertexNames - Static variable in class com.Grapher.CustomGraph.CustomVertex
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