Grapher is a set of general purpose tools for manipulating Graphs using JGraphT

01.01.00x [19/Jun/2024 at 15:17:58 CEST by hrivnac]


Command Line

# download Grapher.exe.jar
$ alias grapher='java -jar Grapher.jar'
$ grapher -h
usage: java -jar Grapher.exe.jar
 -a,--alg    apply algorithm (instead of just converting)
                       [sc = Strong Connectivity | cl = Clustering | ad =
                       adding distances]]
                       several algorithms can be separated by ;
                       algorithm arguments can be supplied after ,
 -e,--noedge           ignore input edges
 -h,--help             show help
 -i,--in       input file name [.graphml]
 -o,--out     output file name [.dot|.mat|.g6|csv|json|graphml]
 -q,--quiet            minimal direct feedback
 -s,--script      script to run (ignores all other options)
 -v,--novertex         ignore output edge-less vertices
 -w,--show             show in graphical window (instead of converting)

Bugs, Inconsistencies and ToDos

Bugs Inconsistencies ToDos

Release History

Related Documentation


J.Hrivnac 19/Jun/2024 at 15:17:58 CEST by hrivnac