Fink Data Explorer

02.02.00 [20/Oct/2023 at 13:37:08 CEST by hrivnac]



schema: index (HBook): index (ElasticeSearch): top-level structure:

Web Service

Customisation Options

Command Line

Command line (executable Java) can be downloaded from the repository: FinkBrowser.exe.jar. It serves as a foundation for all clients.
$ java -jar FinkBrowser.exe.jar -h
usage: java -jar Lomikel.exe.jar
 -b,--batch           run in a batch
 -g,--gui             run in a graphical window
 -h,--help            show help
 -q,--quiet           minimal direct feedback
 -s,--source <file>   source bsh file (init.bsh is also read)
It allows BeanShell/Java scripting, with Python and SageMath interface.

Access to HBase

BeanShell/Java example: Jython example (needs Jython): CPython example (needs JPype): Sage example (needs also SageMath):
CPython example with graphics (needs also MatPlotLib):

Access to JanusGraph

BeanShell/Java example (submitting Gremlin as String): BeanShell/Java example (direct Gremlin connection): Jython example (submitting Gremlin as String, needs Jython): Jython example (direct Gremlin connection, needs Jython): CPython example (submitting Gremlin as String, needs JPype): CPython example (direct Gremlin connection, needs JPype): JPype example (submitting Gremlin as String, needs Gremlin Python): JPype example (direct Gremlin connection, needs Gremlin Python): Another usefull methods:
// Return not only exact results, but all rows in between
// Get time dependence of column value
// (using HBase timestamp for HBaseClient, i:jd for FinkHBaseClient)
results = client.timeline("i:dec", null);
// Get latest values for a column
// (using HBase timestamp for HBaseClient, i:jd for FinkHBaseClient)
results = client.latests("i:dec", null, 5000, false);
// Get the alerts from time interval
// (using Julian Date, for FinkHBaseClient)
results ="2458860", "2458861", true, "i:ra,i:dec", true, true);
// Get alerts in a cone around ra*dec direction
// (using degrees, for FinkHBaseClient)
results =, 50.2781216, 5.0/3600.0, "i:ra,i:dec", false, false);
// Convert results (as a Map) into readable String
// Convert results (as a Map) into a List
// Set columns, which should be always received
// (* gives all)
// Add columns, which should be always received
// (* gives all)
// Request all results in between searched results
Running in Jupyter/SciJava:

Running in Jupyter/Python3:

Running in Jupyter/SageMath:

Running in Gremlin console:
Dressing HBase data as Graphs in Gremlin console:
Extensive Gremlin examples (from Lomikel):
Special Lomikel Gremlin examples (from Lomikel):

Bugs, Inconsistencies and ToDos

Bugs Inconsistencies ToDos

Release History

Related Documentation


J.Hrivnac 20/Oct/2023 at 13:37:08 CEST by hrivnac