Graphics for Physics

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More details about GraXML.
More details about Wired.

Here is a short list of pointers to documentation about various components of the Atlas Graphics Framework. I will present important parts of all that during my talk on We, 19Nov00 at 11:55 in 40-S-D01 and more details will be given at the Atlas Graphics Meeting  on Th, 30Nov00 at 14:00 in 40-S-D01. And, of course, you may ask anyone from the Atlas Graphics Group for further information.

1. Practical Information (HowTos)

1.1 GraphicsFromEvent
tells you, how to start Aravis and extract graphics data (in XML) from Atlas Zebra tapes so you can use them in other programs (Atlantis, Wired, GraXML,...).

1.2 Atlantis
tells you, how to use Atlantis Event Display.
To start Atlantis, temporarily use following script: /afs/

1.3 Wired
tells you have to use Wired Event Display.

1.4 GraXML
tells you how to use GraXML Detector and Single-Track Display.

1.5 Aravis
tells you how to use Aravis Detector and Single-Track Display.

2. Backgound and General Information

2.1 Graphics for Physics
gives you a background information about the Atlas Graphics Architecture.

2.2 Graphics Requirements
contains list of topics against which various packages could be checked. The list contains many requirements which are not strictly requirements on Graphics (but which have some relation to Graphics and are not available anywhere else in Atlas). Also, there are certainly missing points and everyone is welcommed to suggest any new item (or correction to any existing one).

2.3 Graphics Home Page
can tell you all about Atlas Graphics.

2.4 Graphics Documentation
contains all Graphics documentation.

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