The final goal of this project is to reconstruct electrons in the ATLAS EM Calorimeter and Inner
This means:
- To read geometry definition of the ATLAS detector and build
its representation in OO language.
- To read
calorimeter and tracker data simulated by current ATLAS software
(Geant based).
- To find EM Calorimeter Clusters, which will serve as
Inner Tracker Seeds.
- To find Tracks in Inner Detector.
- To write all useful data as Persistent objects.
- In the first implementation only the barrel is
considered, in a second round the model will be extended to the forward and backward region.
- In the tracker only the Silicon detectors is used,
the Transition Radiation Tracker TRT will be added in the next stage.
The MOOSE environment is covered in other talks. This talk will concentrate on the Prototype itself.