The most of WWW file transfer is currently done using http protocol.
If we replace the http protocol by file access via AFS, we will
benefit on all the advantages of the AFS, especially much faster file
transfer and intelligent caching. So, the main task is to replace
links in WWW pages by links containing the AFS location of the file.
That's done using a perl program which reads a html file and outputs
file with changed links.

Changed files can be 1) stored in paraell directory tree on the
web server or 2) created on the fly.

ad 1)  advantages:
  - simple
  - disk space requirements (a copy of every file is needed)
  - periodic updates needed

ad 2)  advantages:
  - less disk usage on server
  - no updates needed
  - needs java-compatible browser
  - harder to implement:
Because the change of links in the file has to be done, links can
not point directly to files on the server.

The URLs, requested by clients, are not physical paths of files on
server's discs.  The information, how to translate these URLs into
direct paths (we need this info to build the AFS address) is not
acessible by normal web user--so the program, which translates the
URLs, has to be run on the server.

Another problem is only http daemon can run progrtams on the server--
and we want to avoid use it.  But here is one possible solution, using
simple java applet: the link points to a cgi-script on the server,
which changes the requested file (name of requested file is sent as a
parameter) and saves it in /temp directory, and sends back very short
web page, which contains nothing but one small java applet, which
loads the changed page instead of itself:

    http server                         client
                  URL for cgi-script
                <---------------------  user's request
  finds and changes
  requested file,
  copy saves on disk,
  sends back short
  page with AFS address
  of this file
  and java applet
                     small page
                                        browser runs 
                        request         the java applet,
                                        java applet
                                        immediately loads
        AFS                             via AFS the page
       server                           just saved on
                  requested page        the server
                                        and displays it
                                        over itself in 
                                        user's browser

Because the page, sent back by http daemon is very short (about 6
lines), as well as the applet (approx. 1000B--for comparison, it's
about 1/3 the size of this paper--and it's real bytecode program!),
which is sent via AFS (so next time is taken directly from disk (or
even memory) cache), user will not  usually notice this page.

For users without java on their browsers, link like
"click here" (placed in  tag, ignored by java enabled browsers)
will point them on requested page, too.

In present time, the perl program is able to translate html files
using data in httpd configuration file, but there are still some
problems to be solved with communication with appropriate cgi-script.
The java applet is ready and works fine.

Janecek ---