122018 atom c
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Four Prague research laboratories both from the Academy and Universities collaborate on several experiments in the international centre for elementary particle research CERN in Geneva (DELPHI, OMEGA, WA98 ATLAS, ALICE and R&D projects) and in the German national centre DESY in Hamburg (H1 experiment at HERA collider). The running experiments are producing big amounts of experimental data and both running and proposed future experiments need huge amount of simulated data.
The part of experimental data from experiments DELPHI, OMEGA, WA98 and H1 will be analyzed in Prague. The data analysis normally includes the processing of the experimental raw data and physics analysis of them. The physics analysis requires big samples of simulated data.
The experiment ATLAS is in a design and construction phase, that requires large amount of detector simulation data to enable correct decisions during detector construction. In the same time the development of the simulation and analysis software packages takes place. The complexity and amount of the data which the future experiments will produce is by several orders of magnitude greater than that produced by current experiments. The software for the analysis of these data must be thus very efficient and maintainable during the lifetime of about 10 year. A completely new software based on Object Oriented Methodology needs to be produced for the simulation and analysis of the future ATLAS data. This requires usage of the complex CASE tools during the development and maintenance phase of the experiment. The Prague laboratories also take part in this activity.
The above mentioned tasks require an adequate computer power and modern software and methods and tools to be used. The computer power may be provided by the usage of distributed farm(s) of workstations. The farm must deliver both crunching cpu power for computation itself and must be able to house necessary portion of experimental data and provide access to them. The farm must, as well, support various access methods of the users from X-terminals and PCs and provide user friendly environment for software design and its implementation.
The distributed farm for HEP Prague is being created with financial resources available. More than 60 physicists, PhD students and undergraduates are involved in the HEP research in Prague and the farm is and will be a powerful modern tool for their work which will promote international collaboration with other HEP institutes and last but not least would attract more students into interesting work in HEP done by means of modern tools.
122018 atom c
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